The Philippines’ first WPS NAP was launched in 2009 for the period 2010-2016. The second and current WPS NAP, which built on findings of the earlier NAP, covers the period 2017-2022; there does not appear to be an update on this.
Objectives of the 2017-2022 NAP:
The Philippines’ 2017-2022 NAP comprises four pillars, each supported by outcome statements, strategy and action points. The four pillars and outcomes are as follows:
1 Empowerment and participation: Women and girls, through meaningful participation and leadership, are active change agents in conflict transformation and post-conflict development.
2 Protection and prevention: Human rights of women and girls are protected at all times — before, during, and after various conflict situations — and incidence of violence against women (VAW) that violate human rights and international humanitarian law are prevented.
3 Promotion and mainstreaming: A gender perspective in all initiatives is geared towards conflict prevention and resolution as well as peacebuilding and conflict transformation.
4 Monitoring and evaluation: Accountability in implementing women, peace, and security interventions is ensured through the development of a comprehensive system to document, monitor, evaluate, and report on the implementation of the NAP WPS using evidence-informed tools and enabling mechanisms.
Despite the Philippines having achieved a degree of parity for women, significant instances of gender bias and disparity persist, particularly in areas such as domestic violence, maltreatment, and human trafficking. The Republic of the Philippines, through the collaboration of established governmental agencies with civil society organisations, aims to empower women and address these challenges.
Civil Society involvement in development of the NAP:
Building on experience of implementing the earlier WPS NAP included taking into account a report published in 2013 by a group of women’s rights and civil society organisations on progress being made under the Plan. This set out recommendations which became the basis of the current WPS NAP’s four pillars approach.
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society organisations are recognised as an essential component of the peacebuilding process. Their involvement assumes a constructive and supportive function, facilitating the integration and mainstreaming of gender perspectives in peace-related initiatives in alignment with the principles outlined in UN Resolution 1325. This integration is reflected in their campaigns and advocacy endeavours, as well as their programmes and projects. Civil society organisations will have a strategic role in documenting, reporting, and monitoring instances of gender-based and sexual violence against women and girls, both during and following periods of armed conflict.
UN Peacekeeping Statistics:
At September 2023 the Philippines contributed 30 personnel to UN peacekeeping missions of which 18 were women. Although the numbers are small the Philippines is one of the few nations that have more women than men deployed on peacekeeping missions.

Women in Peacekeeping:
A principal objective of the Philippines’ second NAP is to increase female participation in international committees and inter-state activities, including UN Peacekeeping initiatives and missions. This underscores the significance placed on women's roles in the context of peacebuilding, particularly aligning with the principles outlined in UN Resolution 1325. Current statistical data from the nation indicates this shift, whereby women officers are expected to comprise a large proportion of personnel engaged in UN Peacekeeping activities.
References and sources:
Republic of Philippines (2017), The National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security (NAPWPS), 2017-2022. Philippines-NAP-2-2017-2022-1.pdf (
United Nations Peacekeeping (Sept 2023)
Contribution of Uniformed Personnel to UN by Country, Mission, and Personnel Type (Sept 2023): 05-Missions Detailed By Country