Guinea’s first NAP covered the period 2009-2013. There does not appear to be a later one; nor does there seem to be a further one in progress.
Objectives of the 2009-2013 NAP:
The NAP comprises five strategic objectives, each with several specific activities to be undertaken in implementation:
- Integrate a gender focus into development policies and programmes;
- Promote the involvement of women and girls in prevention, management and settlement of conflicts;
- Contribute to the protection of women’s and girls’ rights in terms of sexual violence and female genital mutilation;
- Strengthen and promote the integration of women into the policy design and decision- making processes;
- Strengthen the co-ordination and implementation of the consultation and partnership processes to ensure improved harmonisation.
The plan sets out clear tasks and lines of action to be achieved in pursuit of each objective. Notably, the NAP sets out a budget for each strategic objective ranging from US$ 965.000 to US$ 140.000.
The main focus in this NAP is on protection of women from sexual violence, along with inclusion of women in conflict prevention and resolution. There is no mention of women’s participation in security forces either domestically or internationally.
Although an activity to undertake monitoring of the NAP is listed under the fifth objective, there is no framework for this; nor is there a timeline for implementation of the various tasks.
Civil Society involvement in development of the NAP:
Civil society seems to have had limited influence in the drafting of this NAP, and the plan does not go into detail about how civil society is to be included in implementation or monitoring.
The main mechanisms for implementation are strengthening of existing law, creating suitable governing institutions, and improving the government’s capacity for enforcement. Even the ‘partnerships’ section of the NAP focuses only on increased government coordination rather than reaching out to civil society.
UN Peacekeeping Statistics:
In May 2023 Guinea was contributing a total of 720 personnel to UN missions:
Women in Peacekeeping:
The following activities relevant to women’s role in peacekeeping are listed under the various objectives in the NAP:
- Strengthen women’s and girls' capacities to participate in processes relating to prevention, management and resolution of conflicts.
- Strengthen the capacity of paralegals, magistrates, police officers and care providers to enable them to look after victims of sexual violence.
- Advocate for the implementation of a 30% quota for women to take up decision making jobs.
- Data should be disaggregated by sex and sector.
References and Sources:
Guinea WPS NAP 2009-2013:
Contribution of Uniformed Personnel to UN by Country, Mission, and Personnel Type (May 2023): 05-Missions Detailed By Country