Latest Events

The 62nd Annual Conference of the International Association of Women Police

Abu Dhabi, UAE

The 62nd Annual Conference of the International Association of Women Police (IAWP) will take place in Abu Dhabi, UAE, from November 3 to 6, 2025. This global event is dedicated to advancing women in law enforcement, fostering leadership, and promoting diversity within policing.

The conference brings together law enforcement professionals from around the world to share best practices, provide training, and discuss the unique challenges faced by women in the security sector. Topics include leadership development, gender-based violence, community policing, and strategies to increase the representation of women in senior police roles.

Participants will have the opportunity to engage in workshops, networking sessions, and presentations aimed at empowering women in law enforcement and enhancing gender-responsive policing practices. The event also underscores the importance of diversity and inclusion in building stronger, more effective police forces worldwide.


Twelfth Session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime

Vienna, Austria

The UNODC Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) is taking place in Vienna, Austria, from October 9 to 13, 2024. This pivotal event brings together governments, international organizations, civil society, and other key stakeholders to assess and advance efforts to combat transnational organized crime, including human trafficking, smuggling of migrants, and the illicit arms trade.

Women’s participation and representation in the security sector are especially relevant at this forum, given the impact organized crime has on women, particularly in areas such as trafficking and exploitation. The UNODC Civil Society Team (CST) plays an instrumental role in facilitating the engagement of civil society organizations (CSOs), including those focusing on gender issues, ensuring their voices are heard in the review mechanisms of the UNTOC. CST partners with umbrella organizations like the Alliance of NGOs on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, of which SecurityWomen has recently become a member. This partnership helps foster more gender-sensitive policies and inclusive responses to global crime, amplifying the protection and representation of women in security and justice initiatives.


A Key to Peace: More Women in Peacekeeping


UN Summit of the Future Side Event

took place on Saturday 21 September 2024

See the Recording Here

This is the background to the event:

At a time when global peace and security are increasingly at risk, the upcoming UN Summit of the Future offers a unique platform for the international community to take decisive steps towards creating a more secure and peaceful world. We invite you to a side event focusing on the vital role of women in peacekeeping and conflict prevention. Women’s participation is not just a moral imperative but a strategic necessity for achieving the goals outlined in the UN’s Agenda for Sustainable Development, particularly Goals 5 (Gender Equality) and 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions).

Our panel of speakers will highlight women’s contributions and the ongoing challenges faced by peacekeeping operations. The event will call for renewed political will and concrete measures to address these challenges, ensuring women’s meaningful participation in decision-making at all levels of conflict resolution and prevention.


Ms Deborah Warren-Smith, Manager at the Elsie Initiative Fund for Uniformed Women in Peace Operations, UN Women

Dr Linda Naidoo, Project Officer for the UNODC Regional Programme on Gender-Based Violence, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Regional Office for Southern Africa

Ms Molly Dlamini, a member of FemWise-Africa and the South African Liaison Office (SALO)


Ms Laura-Jane Watkins, Attorney & Research Coordinator, Africa Division, SecurityWomen

See recording of event here


Deborah Warren-Smith

Deborah Warren-Smith is the Manager of the Elsie Initiative Fund for Uniformed Women in Peace Operations, a UN Trust Fund hosted by UN Women, since October 2019. She has led the EIF Secretariat in operationalizing the Fund and the conduct of the Fund’s first two programming rounds, with the 3rd programming round launched in 2023. During this time, she has led the Fund in supporting over 20 projects from eight troop and police contributing countries and two United Nations Peacekeeping missions.

Prior to taking up this position, Deborah served in the Australian Army for 30 years, retiring in 2021 as a LTCOL (psc). During her military career, Deborah deployed on several operational tours including to East Timor in an intelligence function with the International Force East Timor (INTERFET) - the multinational Australian-led intervention and the United Nations Transitional Administration East Timor (UNTAET). She also deployed to Afghanistan with NATO’s International Security Assistance Force in 2009 in the HQ Strategic Partnering Division as Military Assistant to the Australian 2-star Commander.

Deborah also deployed twice to the United Nations Truce Supervision Organisation (UNSTO), headquartered in Jerusalem, firstly as a UN military expert on mission operating in the Syrian Golan Heights (June 2005 - December 2006), and then as Commander of the Australian Contingent and Chief - Observer Group Golan - Tiberius, Israel, May 2015 - May 2016.

Deb’s penultimate posting with the Australian Defence Forces was as the Australian Army Gender Advisor where she was responsible for embedding and normalising the Women Peace and Security framework into Army’s doctrine, training and operational planning and conduct. She also instructed on several sessions of the Australian Defence Force Operational Gender Advisor Course.

Dr Linda Naidoo

Linda Naidoo is a Gender-based Violence, Child Protection and Gender Specialist employed at the United Nations (UNODC Regional Office for Southern Africa) where she coordinates the Gender Based Violence Portfolio for the SADC region. She is currently fulfilling the following portfolios: Focal point for Gender; Disability; Focal point for Protection against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse; Human rights

She is a Finalist for the DO Global Gender Award and is a Member of Global UN Gender Groups and the IASC Reference Group for Gender in Humanitarian Action.

She is a strong advocate and gender focused professional with a Doctorate (Ph.D.) and various other certifications in Project Management, Development Administration, Clinical Interventions and so on. Her experience ranges from being an advisor with a demonstrated history of working in the international child protection arena, criminal justice, health sector, institutional transformation. Currently, In the GBVF sector, she is spearheading pioneering projects in the different SADC regions ranging from crime prevention, criminal justice, gender responsive programming, access to justice, forensics, women in conflict with the law; in developing, conflict and humanitarian contexts. Previously she held the position of Executive Director at a Non-Governmental Organisation; and was subsequently employed as a Child Protection Advisor; further occupying positions at Academic institutions, and served on an array of consultancies. She has published several scientific articles in international journals; published various handbooks; presented at various local, regional and international forums. She is informed by a local and global perspective.

Molly Dhlamini

Molly Dhlamini is both an international relations and mediation practitioner who has worked extensively in promoting peace and security and advancing the women, peace and security agenda. Ms Dhlamini is a member of the African Union FemWise- Africa (Network of African Women Mediators in Conflict Prevention and Mediation) since 2018, and a member of the Gertrude Shophe Women Mediators Forum in South Africa. She serves on the Board of the South African Liaison Office (SALO), which organises dialogues focusing on countries affected by conflict, largely in Southern Africa and some parts of the Africa continent.

For almost a decade, Ms Dhlamini worked for the National Union Of Mineworkers both as the International Relations Coordinator and later as the adviser to the Presidency of the Union. Ms Dhlamini has a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Durban Westville (now UKZN ) and an Honours degrees in Industrial Sociology from both the Rand Afrikaans University (now University of Johannesburg) and the University of the Witwatersrand. She also holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Sociology from WITS University. She is currently enrolled and finalising a Master of Advanced Studies: Mediation in Peace Processes at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich.


Laura-Jane Watkins

Laura-Jane is an admitted attorney in South Africa, and has worked with several human rights organisations including the South African Human Rights Commission, having read two L.Ms in criminal justice, (international) criminal law, transnational organised crime and security. She is Research Coordinator for the Africa Division of SecurityWomen and volunteers her time with the Executive Committee for the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) Western Cape Branch.

Background to the Event

At a time when international peace and security is increasingly threatened, the Summit of theFuture provides a once in a generation opportunity for the international community to consider the steps necessary to ensure that future generations live in a more peaceful and secure world.

The Pact for the Future, which will be endorsed by States at the Summit, will provide action-oriented commitments and recommendations within a Chapeau and five chapters, which includes chapters on the acceleration of sustainable development and international peace and security.  

It is recognised with international peace and security increasingly threatened, that peace operations are facing their own threats on many fronts from terrorist transnational organized criminals, armed groups and cyber criminals, all with a stake in preventing peace, and there are growing challenges from hate speech, misinformation and disinformation, which are increasingly used as weapons of war.

Event Focus

In the Secretary General’s New Agenda for Peace Policy Brief, designed to assist States in preparation for the Summit, the need to transform gendered dynamics in peace and security is emphasised.The Secretary General calls for concrete measures to secure women’s full, equal and meaningful participation in decision-making, as well as highlighting that the transformative potential of the Women, Peace and Security agenda is at risk due to lack of political will and drawbacks in women’s rights globally.

Women’s participation in peacekeeping and conflict prevention has been a central element of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda since the initial Security Council Resolution 1325, almost 25 years ago. This resolution urged and encouraged Member States and the Secretary General to increase the representation of women at all decision-making levels in conflict resolution and peace processes at both the national and international levels. These sentiments were repeated and developed in Women, Peace and Security Resolutions: 1889, 2122, 2242, 2493, and, UN SCR 2538, adopted in 2020, covers all aspects of women’s participation in peacekeeping recruitment and training. It recognises, ‘the indispensable role of women in increasing the overall performance and effectiveness of peacekeeping operations’ and calls upon Member States, the United Nations Secretariat and regional organisations,‘to strengthen their collective efforts to promote the full, effective,and meaningful participation of uniformed and civilian women in peacekeeping operations.

Initiatives such as the United Nation’s Uniformed Gender Parity Strategy and the ELSIE Fund have demonstrated the potential of the international community to take action to increase women’s participation in peacekeeping and must be bolstered by an increase in commitments and renewed political will.

Women’s underrepresentation in the security sector is a critical issue. Achieving gender parity in this sector can help eliminate gender stereotypes, inequalities, and patriarchal cultures, fostering greater levels of gender equality and empowering women. By increasing women’s representation in military roles at all ranks, it is hoped that the masculine associations of militarism which prioritise the use of force and the classification of women as victims,will begin to be eroded. Diversifying voices in defence and security discussions at the highest levels is crucial for conflict reduction and mitigating extreme violence.

Women’s participation in peacekeeping and peace talks is linked to increased stability and longer-lasting peace, yet women remain regularly excluded from peace processes and face entrenched barriers to participation. Renewed commitments by the international community to recruit more women into military, police and peacekeeping forces will contribute significantly to creating a more peaceful world.


This event will highlight the multifaceted impact and importance of women’s participationin peacekeeping and conflict prevention; for example, Major Radhika Sen has recently been awarded the UN Military Gender Advocate of the Year for her dedication and leadership within MONUSCO, in actively engaging with conflict-affected communities, including women and girls, earning their trust and doing so with humility and compassion. The importance of mixed engagement teams and gender-responsive patrols has been recognised in the UN SG’s annual report 2023. Peacekeeping operations have been instrumental in supporting women’s peacebuilding efforts at the local level.

By taking note of the progress that has been made thus far, the UN Uniformed Gender Parity Strategy introduced in 2018, shows that numbers of women in peacekeeping have been rising slowly. The good news is that the overall percentage of female individual police officers in peacekeeping is now at 31.4% which has surpassed the target set in 2018, although the formed police units have only advanced to 16.9% female officers. Within military peacekeeping, which is the bulk of peacekeepers, women’s participation is very low at 6.5%. Data availability is low and remains an area in need of improvement.

Our discussion at this event will demonstrate the need for states to act now to increase women’s participation in peacekeeping and conflict prevention so as to ensure that the international community is well-positioned to address the threats and challenges that both exist now and will arise in the future.


SecurityWomen's event at the UN CCPCJ 33, 'Empowering Women in Policing, Forensics and Specialised Units in combating Organised Crime'


SecurityWomen, as a global advocacy organisation for inclusivity of women in the security sector and criminal justice institutions, presented a panel of speakers in support of the "UNOV/UNODC Gender Strategy 2022-2026". This CCPCJ33 side event hosted by SecurityWomen, showed the pivotal role women play in policing, forensics and anti-gang crime in South Africa. The event provided a perspective on women as indispensable technical and professional contributors to combating organized crime in the Global South and highlighted the need for equal representation in specialised units.


The session shared best practice on the multifaceted dimensions of women's roles in combating organised crime and the gender specific expertise which women lead in research, crime prevention and policing.

Speaker Profile and Topic of Discussion:

1.    Dr. Derica Lambrechts (Senior Lecturer, University of Stellenbosch)

Topic: ‘Introduction to gender and organised crime in South Africa.’

Bio: Derica is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Stellenbosch, her teaching specialisation includes Political Risk Analysis; Forms of Statehood and Government; Research Methodology. Derica has published widely in international and South African Journals. Her current and future research projects include environmental organised crime and gendered aspects of organised crime.

2.    Sharon Jephta (former SAPS (South Africa Police Service) Lieutenant-General, author of "Serving with Integrity, Commitment and Excellence" a memoir of 40 years in service)

Topic: ‘40 years in the field - Accounts from womenworking in combating gang crime.’

Bio: Former Lt. General Jephta held various significant positions in policing including Deputy, Provincial Commissioner, Divisional Commissioner of Visible policing, challenging gender stereotypes by becoming the very first woman Divisional Commissioner of the Division Inspectorate in the South African Police Service (SAPS). She is a distinguished figure in law enforcement, boasting nearly 40 years of policing experience within the SAPS. Her legacy extends beyond her retirement, as she continues to inspire hope and educate both women and men in the field of law enforcement. Jephta’s sterling record, unwavering integrity, and dedication to mentorship programs for police women leave an enduring mark on the profession. Her memoir offers an extraordinary account of women in policing, when SAPS and the country underwent profound social and political change.

3.    Laura Mitton (SAPS): Forensic Analyst, Warrant Officer Specialising in Forensic Ballistics

Topic: 'Women lead anti-gang forensic fieldwork - ballistics expertise in the Western Cape'

Bio: With over five years of forensics experience. Laura is a Senior Forensic Analyst specialising in Forensic Ballistics and works at the Forensic Science Laboratory located in Cape Town, South Africa. Laura holds first-hand experience of the gender dynamics in the Forensics Ballistics field. She holds a BSc in Medical Criminalistics and subsequently a Master of Science (MSc) at the University of Pretoria.

4.    Nokuthula Sibonokuhle Nkonyane (Senior Forensic Analyst, Royal Eswatini Police Service Forensic Laboratory, REPS-FSL)

Topic: 'Women forging forensics - The role of women leading in Eswatini's first forensic lab'

Bio: Nokuthula has a decade of experience in the forensic field, currently serving as a Senior Forensic Analyst as a technical project lead for the establishment of the first ever forensic DNA laboratory in Eswatini and as the Quality Technical Lead for implementing quality standards in the FSL. With a Master of Science in Applied Biology from Kyoto Institute of Technology, her expertise extends to conducting forensic investigations and providing pivotal investigative leads for criminal investigations. She serves as a part-time lecturer at the REPS Matsapha Police Academy, teaching in the Diploma in Police Science program and is a steering committee member of the Eswatini Women in Science Engineering and Technology (WISET).

The event was moderated by Laura-Jane Watkins, Team Leader and Research Associate for SecurityWomen


SecurityWomen's event at CSW: The Role of Women in National and International Security leading to poverty alleviation


Our virtual parallel event at CSW68 took place on 19 March 2024 at 10.30am EST.

It is a ‘fireside chat’ with

·       Rebecca Ulam Weiner, Deputy Commissioner, Intelligence & Counterterrorism at New York City Police Department

·       Jacqueline Acker, Deputy Privacy and Civil Liberties Officer, Central Intelligence Agency

·       Moderator: Barbara Cleary, Chair for SecurityWomen

The recording of the event is here:


London Conference on Security Reform through a Gender Lens

The Conduit, London WC2H 9JA

The SecurityWomen Conference: 'How should Women be involved in Security Reform to ensure better societal outcomes?' took place on

Wednesday 18th October 2023 at

The Conduit Club, 6 Langley St, London, WC2H 9JA

See here videos of the event:


Juliet Colman, Founder and Director of SecurityWomen, welcomed everyone present and those online to this Conference which would look at the importance of involving women in reform of the security sector to ensure better societal outcomes.


Ms Cooper referred to the many courageous women who have contributed to security and intelligence work, and achieved remarkable results in a world full of complex challenges.  Here in the UK she referred to the women now holding positions of leadership in our security and policing services. “Recognising equality and equal respect is at the heart of our democracy” she said.


This session featured:

- Captain Dorothea Bade, Company Commander in the Norwegian Armed Forces;

- Cristina Finch, Head of Gender and Security Division at DCAF;

- Heather Huhtanen, Gender Equality Specialist Consultant and Trainer;

- Captain Zoe Spicer of the Queen’s Dragoon Guards in the UK Armed Forces.  

Moderator for the session was Barbara Cleary, Chair of SecurityWomen.

Key points included:

- Being male or female is less important than capability to do the job effectively, and to be recognised for doing the job well rather than being labelled by gender;

- Role models, and women in leadership positions, are needed to enable young women to believe they can do the job as well as men;

- Career opportunities in the armed forces should be better highlighted in schools’ career services.


This session featured:

- Superintendent Matthew Burbeck, from Kent Police, currently seconded to the NPCC’s (National Police Chiefs’ Council) task force looking at the Future of Policing;  

- Suchaya Mokkhasen, based in Thailand, Border Management Programme Officer for South East Asia with the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC);

- Chief Superintendent Manjit Atwal, from Leicestershire Police Force, currently seconded to the national Task Force dealing with Violence Against Women and Operation Soteria, for which she is Strategic Lead.  

The Moderator was Jane Townsley, Director of Force International.

Key points included:

- Achieving equality is not just about reaching the numbers, it’s also about changing policies, procedures and culture in order to create a safe working environment;

- Change doesn’t happen overnight, but now is the time to take advantage of the momentum there is towards achieving gender equality;

- In cases of rape and sexual abuse there is need to move from “suspect focused” and “victim blaming” to a “victim-centred” approach;

- Young women officers, globally and locally, need to have a voice in policy formation.


This session featured:

- Dr Anna Dolidze, former Deputy Minister for Defence in Georgia and a leading researcher in policing and security;

- Marianna Derevianko, Senior Inspector with the Ukraine’s National Police Force;

- Dr Jennifer Mathers, Senior Lecturer in International Politics at Aberystwyth University;  

- Dr Anna Kvit, Visiting Research Fellow, University College London (joined on zoom).

The Moderator was Dr Ulrike Theuerkauf, Associate Professor in Politics and Global Development at the University of East Anglia, who said the panel would be focusing on the gender dynamics surrounding conflict, in particular in Ukraine.

Key points included:

- Perceptions of women in the military can change positively as a result of their full participation in the war, including in combat.

- The impacts of war on gender relations goes beyond the war’s conclusion; it affects future generations as well as the men and women returning from combat, and psychological support is needed post-war to deal with the traumas both have experienced;

- It is important to have a hopeful narrative for the future in order to prevent feelings of failure that follow defeat in war, and can lead to high rates of suicide and increased domestic violence.

If you have any questions regarding this event, please do not hesitate to contact us via email: or visit our website:

Our partners for the Conference were Women in International Security (WIIS)


UN SaferGuard Training for Women Ammunition Technical Experts on the International Ammunition Technical Guidelines

Vienna, Austria

The Office for Disarmament Affairs, in cooperation with the Austrian Ministry of Defence (MoD) and the Ammunition Management Team (AMAT), will implement an annual training course for women ammunition technical experts during the period 2023-2025. This course will focus on the International Ammunition Technical Guidelines (IATG) and related international standards, guidelines and good practices. It aims to strengthen knowledge and skills on safe and secure through- life conventional ammunition management. In addition to benefiting from the training, the workshop participants will become members of the international WoMA-Network, providing a space for exchange, empowerment and mentoring.

Topics to be covered

  • Outline the political dimension of ammunition management, including international frameworks, instruments and processes.
  • Cover a wide range of technical topics, such as the International Ammunition Technical Guidelines, explosive safety, storage risk reduction, storage infrastructure, storage and operations, accounting and inventory management.
  • Identify approaches and skills to responding to or addressing gender bias, stereotypes and/or comments or behaviours that are uncomfortable.

Who should apply

Women ammunition technical experts from national authorities, United Nations entities, international organizations and non-governmental organizations. Applications from diverse backgrounds are encouraged.

Women candidates should meet the following criteria to participate in the training:

  • Knowledge and experience in ammunition management.
  • Academic and/or vocational qualification in ammunition (and/or explosives) management.
  • Multi-year occupational experience in ammunition-related positions.
  • Currently working in an ammunition-related position at the technical level or to be foreseen for such a position.

Application procedure

Interested candidates are requested to submit an application in English, comprised of a completed P11 form, to by 12 June 2023. Only a limited number of spaces are available for this workshop. Successful applicants will be contacted by the organizers.


The workshops are provided free of charge for all selected participants. Selected participants will receive an airfare ticket to and from Vienna to attend the in-person workshop. Accommodation and meals will also be provided during the workshop period.

To learn, see here


CSW67 2023 Bridge to the Future: Women and Girls at the Center of Progress – Cybersecurity and Emerging Technologies


This panel event took place on Tuesday 14th March 2023 at 10.00am ET (2.00pm UK time)

Please access the video of the event here

SecurityWomen and WIIS (Women In International curated an important discussion around women’s influence in cybersecurity, innovation, and emerging technologies. Critical to shaping global standards of equity and gender empowerment, the event explores many key challenges faced by the technology sector, and the important roles that women and girls play locally and globally in strengthening technology within our cities and rural communities. Education and mentorship are examined as a viable means to enhance, expand, and encourage gender parity across the technology space and within the institutions that seek to regulate it here, and to other frontiers.

Session organisers: Barbara Cleary of SecurityWomen, Min Kyriannis of WIIS-Global and Maxinne Leighton, PhD. of WIIS-NY


Sarah Colvin, Chief Strategy Officer of Amyna Systems Inc. - absented through illness

John Deskurakis, Chief Product Security Officer of Carrier Corp.

Dr. Robert Zuber, Director of Global Action to Prevent War and Armed Conflict

Cat Fan, Technical Talent & Diversity Leader

Date of Event: Tuesday 14 March at 10:00 am - 11:30 am EST (2.00pm UK time)

Please click here to view event


Women Peace and Security: Making it Happen


This event took place online on Wednesday, 2nd  of November 2022

See video here

The focus of this ninety-minute event is on the inclusion of women within security institutions in Africa and progress towards gender equality within host militaries, policing and UN peacekeeping.

The event explores examples from various countries and showcases the successes, as well as the obstacles encountered. We question the efficacy of National Action Plans and their objectives in bringing about change and ask what might be missing.


Presentations are provided by:

·        Moagisi Mapii

Senior Defence and International Relations Officer, Botswana's Ministry of Defence and Security (MDS)

·        Dr Fiifi Edu-Afful

Senior Research Fellow at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre in Ghana


Opening remarks: Dr Juliet Colman (Director, SecurityWomen)

Moderator: Barbara Cleary (Chair, SecurityWomen)

This online event is organised by SecurityWomen and co-sponsored by Women In International Security (WIIS). If you have any questions, please contact us at


Ripon museum examines role of female police in new exhibition

Ripon Museums

Ripon’s Prison and Police Museum has launched an exhibition showing how the role of women in the police force, and attitudes towards women police officers, has changed over time. The exhibition explores whether society has moved from segregation of women in policing to full integration. Or are there still issues to address in modern policing?

Oral histories, film, photographs and archive materials are used to address this question, and among the exhibits are the North Yorkshire Police Chief Constable's cap, which was worn by Della Canning, the first female Chief Constable of the force in 2002, and the British Empire Medal, which was presented to Leeds City Police Women's Department's Florence Thorley for services to youth in 1971.

Curator of the exhibition, Laura Allen, said “It has been a privilege to curate this exhibition alongside a team of curatorial volunteers especially given that the topic is as relevant today as it ever has been.”

SecurityWomen welcomes initiatives of this type which show that women can make a contribution and career in the police force.

The exhibition is open daily until 2nd October 2022, 1-4pm, with extended opening during school holidays. Tickets and more information are available from: Prison & Police Museum - Ripon Museums

For the full story please go to: Ripon museum examines role of female police in new exhibition | Harrogate Advertiser


Register today for the Cyber Defense Challenge


The Cyber Defence Challenge is a collaborative programme hosted by Target and Women in Cyber Security (WiCyS). It will give participants in a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience of cyber defence and to build their professional confidence and capabilities.

SecurityWomen supports all initiatives that challenge gender-stigmas and barriers, empowering women to succeed and thrive professionally. The Cyber Defence Challenge and WiCyS is doing just that.

Full description below:


Register today for the Cyber Defense Challenge made possible by Target

Interested in tackling intel-driven scenarios to understand the threat actor behind malicious behaviors? Ready to analyze the malware that threat actors deploy in their victim’s systems? Then dive in and work directly with the Target cybersecurity team on their very own WiCyS-specific crafted Cyber Defense Challenge! This unique program will provide hands-on experience, giving participants a taste of what it’s like to be on a Cyber Defense Team. Challengers will build upon Strelka, a well-known cyber defense tool for threat detection. This engaging program is for WiCyS members to dive in, gain new learning experiences, network with an inclusive cohort of peers, work one-on-one with the Target cybersecurity team, and explore what threat detection and intelligence are all about.

No previous cybersecurity experience is required to join this training since it’s a tiered, multi-staged learning opportunity; however, it’s helpful to have some background in development and an understanding of Python and cryptography.

Registration is available through April 7.

Register here!


Women’s Roles in Security at the heart of Climate Change Crises

Virtual on 22 March 2022: 14.00 GMT, 10.00 EST

CSW66 - Commission on the Status of Women 2022

The main theme of CSW66 is: Achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls in the context of climate change, environmental and disaster risk reduction policies and programmes.

SecurityWomen held a virtual side event to CSW66 entitled Women's Roles in Security at the heart of Climate Change Crises

The Recording of the Event is now available here

As a result of climate change, we are likely to see huge migration flows of people in parts of the world where they are escaping conflict and natural disasters to seek a better life. This will result in expanded human settlements and camps of climate refugees. According to the UN, 80% of people displaced by climate change are women[1]. What security can these people expect?

Our event will focus on security on the migratory journey and at refugee and IDP camps and the role of peacekeeping in managing crisis situations occurring as a result of climate change. Women and girls, the likely majority of the population, have a right to expect a security which will keep them safe and secure. This needs to be gender-sensitive and involve the participation of women employed at all levels of security services available within refugee/IDP camps.When this is outsourced to private security companies, there needs to be proper accountability, both in terms of the behaviour of security personnel and policies to encourage the involvement and leadership of women as security professionals. Where there is greater participation of women in security, we can expect to see the safety of women and girls made a priority, and incidences of gender-based violence given appropriate and urgent action and safe recourse to justice.

[1] Climate change 'impacts women more than men' - BBC News

The biographies of our speakers as follows:

Ellie Bird Lenawarungu MBA.BA.FRSA

Over a period of more than thirty years, Ellie served as a police officer in West Midlands and British Transport Police. For more than half of her career, Ellie worked in an environment where opportunities for women were limited, with little prospect for promotion, performing specialist roles or having an influential voice to bring about change.

Landmarks in her career include being the first female officer to attain the ranks of superintendent, chief superintendent and Area Commander. As Operational Commander for London Underground worked on all major public and sporting events in London. As Director of Intelligence her responsibility spanned England, Scotland and Wales. Between 2010 and 2014 Ellie served as Commander for Scotland, establishing credibility in tackling sectarianism and Head of Transport Security for the Commonwealth Games.

Despite an incredible career; it has been the years since retirement that have been some of the most informative and influential. Ellie has delivered consultancy services in Rwanda, Uganda, Egypt and Kenya advising on sexual and gender-based violence, protection of women and children in refugee settlement and the role of women in peace support. With more than three years’ experience as Strategic Policing Advisor in Somalia she worked with UN and AMISOM delivering Joint Policing Programme. Ellie has recently taken on senior advisory role with the British Support Team in Palestine and continues to support the Commonwealth Parliamentarian Association on human trafficking.

Her marriage to Stephen and establishing their home within the pastoralist Samburu community in rural Kenya is yet another transformation in her life.


Winnie Eva Gatsinzi

Winnie is a Gender and Security Specialist for the Rwanda Social Security Board and a private researcher. Her expertise covers a broad range of gender and security issues.She has served in the Rwanda National Police for more than nine years, and is helping private security companies embed equality on issues related to gender programming in recruitment processes, and prevention of gender based violence(GBV) and sexual harassment at work. Winnie was privileged to serve as a UN peacekeeper in South Sudan (UNMISS) as part of a police mission. She worked as a Gender and Child Protection Officer.

Winnie holds a Master’s degree in Gender and Development Studies from the University of Rwanda and LLB law degree from the University of Lay Adventists of Kigali. She is an active member volunteer of SecurityWomen.



UNA-USA UN Alums Program on Evolving Role of UN Peacekeeping


Please join us for UNA-USA's UN Alums event, March 03, 2022 at 7 pm EST: “The Evolving Role of UN Peacekeeping”. The discussion will touch on the current international situation and the role of UN Peacekeeping in the past and present.

The program will be introduced by Marcia Brewster and Troy Wolfe, and the discussion will be moderated by AFICS board member Gail Bindley-Taylor. An interactive discussion with the speakers and time for networking among UN Alums members are part of the program.

Keynote speaker Richard Gowan will introduce the subject and discuss the current crisis in the Ukraine and the UN response. He will also provide an overview of the evolving mandates and needs of UN Peacekeeping Operations over the years, successes and areas for improvement, and the S-G’s recent proposals to Member States. Richard oversees the advocacy work of the International Crisis Group at the United Nations, liaising with diplomats and UN officials in New York. He has worked as a consultant for the UN Department of Political Affairs, the UN Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on International Migration, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the European Council on Foreign Relations, and the Foreign Policy Centre (London).

Following the keynote speaker, UN Alums Affinity Group member Ronald Quejas-Risdon will lead a discussion on his personal experiences as a Senior Administrative Officer, UN Peacekeeping Operations., including the importance of involving women in Peacekeeping Operations. Gail Bindley-Tayor and Marcia Brewster will comment on their own experiences.

Please register in advance for this meeting below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.



The International Conference on Human Security & Governance 2022


The Interdisciplinary Institute of Human Security & Governance, Delhi (IIHSG) Conference took place on

23 - 25 February 2022

It was held online in light of ongoing uncertainties and disruptions caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic.

SecurityWomen organised a panel event as part of the Conference, entitled Women in Security which explored the scope of women’s involvement in policing from grass root level to strategic planning and development.

The recording of the event is now available here. The panel starts 3.5 minutes into the recording.

The Conference was organised in collaboration with:

·      Center for Conflict Studies, Middlebury Institute of International Studies, Monterey, California, USA

·      SecurityWomen, UK

·      Department of International Relations, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh

·      Department of Politics & International Relations, Central University of Jharkhand, India

·      Department of Defence & Strategic Studies, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, India

Proposals from across humanities, arts, social sciences and other disciplines for both paper presentation and participation within the broadest reach of Human Security studies and Governance were received.

Concept Note

In the post-Cold War world, the concept of security has evolved from the traditional notion of ‘national security’ to the people-centric concept of ‘human security.’ To quote from the UN General Assembly Resolution 66/290, “Human security calls for “people-centred, comprehensive, context-specific and prevention-oriented responses that strengthen the protection and empowerment of all people.” Today, in the context of the pandemic, identity-based divisions, climate crisis, economic insecurity, and more, the questions we grapple with are:

(a) who ensures human security?

(b) what is the process of getting to peace by ensuring human security

(c) how can we ensure human security is central to our programs in development and peace building?

A human security lens and approach argues that while the state has the responsibility to provide security to its people,the people themselves can define and take charge of their own security needs. In short, we believe that it is through good governance, which involves conversations and collaboration between governments, institutions, and people, to make the right decisions that will protect human lives and alleviate human suffering.  As the Commission on Global Governance report states,

“Governance is an ongoing and evolutionary process which looks to reconcile conflicting interests to protect the weak, through the rule of law, from unjust exploitation, and introduce security for all.”

Governance is also a process through which collective good and goods (including security) are generated, or their production facilitated, so that all are better off than they would be acting individually. Thus, governance implies a concern by those who govern with both the security and development, or provision/facilitation of Basic Human Needs, of those who are governed. Or, in other words, ‘Governance’’ encompasses all governing bodies including nation-state as well as all non-governmental organizations: International and Multinational Organizations and Civil Society. 

Human security is a human right, and governance ensures human rights (political, social, economic, cultural, and civil) through its key attributes (identified by the Human Rights Council): transparency, responsibility, accountability, participation, and responsiveness to the needs of the people.

The International Conference on Human Security & Governance will focus on all three aspects of security – Freedom from Want, Freedom from Fear, and Freedom from Indignity - to analyse the role and functioning of nation-states as well as actors like international organisations, multinational organisations, lobbies, think tanks, political parties, non-governmental organizations, community, media in securing human security goals. Furthermore, this Conference aims to create a network and support the international community of academicians, researchers, scholars, and scientists by promoting an exchange of the latest trends, developments, and challenges in the field.

Sub-Themes/ Panels  

1.    Human Security and State 

2.    Human Security and Good Governance 

3.    Human Security and Sustainable Governance 

4.    Health and Governance 

5.    Education and Governance 

6.    Income and Governance 

7.    Law, Governance & Politics 

8.    Human Security and Law 

9.    Human Security, Governance and Politics 

10.  Women Security and Governance

11.  Transgender Security and Governance

12.  Child Security and Governance 

13.  Elderly Security and Governance 

14.  Human Security and External Actors

15.  Human Security and NGOs

16.  Human Security and International Organizations 

17.  Human Security and Multinational Organizations 

18.  Human Security and Terrorism 

19.  Human Security and Pandemic  

20. ‘New’ threats for Human Security: Recent Trends




The UK Institute of Directors is proud to be supporting TrueCue’s Women in Data Hackathon, which is now in its second instalment following a highly successful event last year.

The technology industry, although a hub for innovation and creativity, lags behind when it comes to the diversity of its workforce. Not only is this detrimental to women, who are missing out on the rewarding work available to them, but also to the industry itself. And of course, cyber-security requires these same skills which are vital to keep our world, impacted by technology, safe and secure.

Numbers show that women only hold 26% of all computing-related jobs (1), own less than 10% of tech start-ups (2) and 20% of women over the age of 35 are still in junior positions within the industry compared to just 6% of men over the same age (3). Moreover, women in tech surveyed were nearly twice as likely as men to have lost jobs or been furloughed as a result of the pandemic (4).

As part of their campaign to provide information, advice and up-skilling opportunities to encourage women to seek careers in this exciting industry, TrueCue’s Women in Data Hackathon is an event in which participants team up to solve challenging problems with limited time. Participants will have the opportunity to improve their analytics capabilities and presentation skills, as well as speak to women working in the Tech industry.

The IoD is working with TrueCue to encouraging its members, and their connections, to participate in this event. Alteryx is also supporting the event.

Applications will open for participants and facilitators on Wednesday 6th October
The Hackathon will kick-off on Thursday 11th November.
To register, and for more information, see: Women + Data Hackathon 2021 - TrueCue
Deadline for registration is 4th November 2021

World Bank Photo Collection

James Don-Carolis, Managing Director, TrueCue, said:

“Following the success of last years’ Women in Data Hackathon we are delighted to announce the second instalment this year! Improving female participation in the data and analytics industry is something we are passionate about at TrueCue. The 2020 event exceeded our expectations, not only in terms of the level of interest (over 300 participants from 41 countries), but also in terms of the commitment shown by the teams, the quality of work they produced, and the fun that was had along the way. We are excited to be back with our 2021 hackathon, and hope to see you there!”

Jonathan Geldart, Director General, Institute of Directors, said:

“Diverse organisations are more effective and creative and, as a result, more likely to be successful. While womens' representation in the tech sector has improved, it very much remains a work in progress. For this reason, we are delighted to be supporting this year’s hackathon, which promises to be a fun yet challenging event, building on the success of last year.”

Sophie Decelle, Consulting Manager and Data Science Lead, TrueCue, further commented:

“Across many industries diversity and inclusion have become priorities, yet they remain a challenge. The tech industry is no different and has some way to go in terms of diversity of its workforce. One way to make tech more diverse is to empower more women to join, participate and grow the tech and data analytics communities.

“This vision was delivered last year in a 2-week global event with amazing reach and outcomes for everyone involved. This year we are partnering with the Institute of Directors and other organisations and institutions to carry the momentum into 2021 & 2022. We’re also adding an enhanced careers’ panel and how-to sessions. Looking forward to re-launch!”


1 Women’s Representation in Big Tech – Felix Richter, 2018

2 Harvard Business School paper – Paul A Gompers, 2017

3 Hacker Rank Women in Tech Report, 2018

4 TrustRadius 2021 Women in Tech Report  


Public Lecture, Sanctuary University Lecture Series, University of East Anglia, UK

Virtual Event

The Gendered Security of the Refugee Journey

by Dr Juliet Colman

UN Peacekeeper with refugees in South Dafur, Sudan, Credit: UN Photo/Albert González Farran

This event took place on 12th May 2021

Listen to the speech by clicking on the button below:


UN Peacekeeping: Women leading in the Field

Virtual: register on NGO CSW platform:

SecurityWomen's CSW65 Parallel Event took place on

23rd March 2021: 9.00 am EST, 1.00 pm GMT

Here is the recording of the event:

UN Peacekeeping: Women leading in the Field

The priority theme of this year’s Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is ‘Women’s full and effective participation and decision-making in public life, as well as the elimination of violence, for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls’[1].

In touching upon the different aspects of the above statement, this event will focus on women’s participation and leadership in UN peacekeeping. Experience shows women are key to strengthening peacekeeping performance and accountability, and fundamentally contribute to promoting human rights and protecting civilians. An important part of the remit of peacekeeping is often to strengthen or bring about rule of law and justice systems based on human rights. Peacekeeping operations actively work to bring about sustainable peace, and often through reform of the security sector.

This event will explore examples of how women’s participation has added to the overall effectiveness of peacekeeping by:

·       Broadening the skill set of the peacekeeping mission

·       Enabling greater access to communities in which peacekeepers are engaged to protect

·       Empowering women and girls in the host community

·       Acting as role models to the women and girls in the population

·       Helping to reduce violence and conflict by the very presence of female peacekeepers

·       Creating a greater sense of security to local communities, in particular, women and children, and helping build trust

·       Augmenting the understanding of vulnerable lives of women and girls within conflict zones, and at risk of violence

·       Interviewing survivors of sexual and gender based violence

·       Bringing different experiences, backgrounds and perceptions in decision-making positions, to the tasks in hand

There are currently 12 peacekeeping operations with roughly 90,000 peacekeepers, and, as stated by the UN, the annual budget for UN peacekeeping is less than 0.5 percent of global military spend[2].The breakdown between uniformed peacekeepers is roughly 10% police to 90%military. The current statistics on women’s participation in UN peacekeeping show women are 5.75% of military peacekeepers and 17.55% of police peacekeepers[3].Overall, only 6.6% of all uniformed military, police and justice and corrections personnel in field missions currently are women.

The UN has set the following targets in its Gender Parity Strategy (2018) to be achieved by 2028:

·       25% of Staff Officers and Military Observers to be female – reached 18.7% in Dec 2020[4]

·       15% of military peacekeepers to be female – reached 5.2% in Dec 2020

·       20% of Formed Police Units (FPUs) to be female – reached 10.9% in 2020[5]

·       30% of Individual Police Officers(IPOs) to be female – reached 28.2% in 2020

The targets set seem low, in particular for military peacekeepers, and progress is slow. It is now 25 years since the Beijing Platform for Action, and 20 years since the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 with its manifesto for women’s rights in peace and security. We really could have expected more progress. There is,however, an increase in the numbers of women in leadership roles in UN peace operations[6].As of February 2020, the percentage of female Heads and Deputy Heads of Mission in peace operations was 35%, with three female Heads of Mission and five women deputies currently serving. Two female Force Commanders and two female Deputy Force Commanders are also currently serving.[7]

The participation of women in UN peacekeeping is predominantly down to the contributing nation states and their resources in terms of uniformed women in their country, and how they view the deployment of women to often dangerous and high risk environments. However, it can be questioned as to whether the human resources and management policies and processes that actively support gender equality and diversity within peacekeeping missions are in place, and whether there are constraints around lack of family-friendly work policies.

We will hear from women who have been on peacekeeping missions and who will talk about their experiences, achievements and difficulties in the field. We will also hear how the UN is supporting senior women to step up to the highest levels of authority in peacekeeping.

Women’s participation in leadership and decision-making is fundamental if we are to create a world that is more human centred, more equal and social justice is paramount. Including a gender perspective in all decisions, means a world that works for everyone and optimises the use of rich untapped talent. In June 2020, as part of the UN Women Generation Equality Forum, a Compact for WPS[8]and Humanitarian Action was created: A global multi-stakeholder initiative that we believe has the potential to reignite and drive forward the WPS agenda,closing the gap between commitments and concrete actions.  We hope that you will join us for this engaging, action-focused session, and share your thoughts and experiences.

[1] CSW65(2021) | Commission on the Status of Women | UN Women – Headquarters

[2] United Nations Peacekeeping

[3] Gender |United Nations Peacekeeping

[4] Gender |United Nations Peacekeeping

[5] Uniformed_Women_Infographic_Upd_version4

[6] MOWIP_Methodology_2.pdf(


[8]Women Peace and Security

To access event, please register on the NGO CSW65 platform:  NGO CSW65 | NGO CSW/NY


Peace and Security During Uncertain Times


The University of Pittsburgh chapter of Women In International Security (WIIS) proudly announces “Peace and Security During Uncertain Times,” a week-long, virtual conference occurring October 5th - 9th, 2020.

Our world, at present, is more tumultuous than ever. COVID-19 has exposed inequities in global health systems, including disproportionate burdens on women, migrants and refugees, and other marginalized and vulnerable populations. Climate change persists, and experts predict that rising temperatures will increase the risk of violence and armed conflict globally. The proliferation of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction pose an evolving threat to U.S. national security, which Cold War-era foreign policy tools and institutions are questionably equipped to address.

Monday - Thursday, a panel will present a facilitated discussion exploring these challenges and propose courses of action that may assist our country in moving forward. On Friday, students will present their research.

This conference is free and open to all.

For more information:


International Day of UN Peacekeepers 2020: Women in Peacekeeping, a Key to Peace


Every year on 29 May, the United Nations commemorates the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers. On this day, we pay tribute to all the women and men who have served as military, police or civilians in UN Peacekeeping operations. We commend their professionalism, dedication and courage and honour the memory of those who have lost their lives in the cause of peace.

As this year marks the 20th anniversary of the adoption of UN Security Council resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (UNSCR1325), the theme for Peacekeepers’ Day 2020 is “Women in Peacekeeping – A Key to Peace.” Women peacekeepers are essential for promoting sustainable peace and help in improving overall peacekeeping performance.


Feminization of Peace and Security

Armenian Convention Center, Guild Hall, 630 2nd Avenue (at 35th St), NEW YORK 10016

Unfortunately this event, along with all NGO CSW64 Forum events, has had to be cancelled due to the threat of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

We hope to hold this event when CSW is reconvened later in the year.

UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)

Parallel Event

Wednesday 11th March 2020

organised by SecurityWomen

Panel of speakers:


Brenda Oppermann, Research Fellow, U.S. Naval War College, on leadership, organizational change and women, peace and security


Garima Bhatnagar, Chief of Mission Management, Police Division, UN Dept of Peace Operations

Njoki Rahab Kinyanjui, Chief of Gender Unit & Senior Gender Adviser, UN Dept of Peace Operations

April Pham, Senior Gender Advisor, UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)

Fatima Khan, CSW Youth Delegate from the UK


What do we mean by ‘Feminization of Peace and Security’?

It’s critical that women, from across the world, get to play a greater part in the protection and security of citizens, and in working towards building a more peaceful world. Threats to human security range from localised breakdown of society to organised conflict to widespread terrorism. Currently, the security sector (policing, armed forces, cyber-security, peacekeeping, private security) is estimated to be 97 percent male dominated. Little attention has been paid to how gendered relations of power manifest in security institutions. On the other side, gendered security needs, in particular for women and girls, are ignored. How much better security, to enable the rule of law, could be for all members of society if gender is properly understood, mainstreamed and embedded throughout law and justice systems.

Women are vital components in establishing more effective police and military peacekeeping. Could women security guards provide better security to refugee/IPD camps where families are reluctant to let their daughters leave the home for fear of attack? It is argued that women’s greater participation can provide a better security and ultimately a safer world for all to live in. Security sector reform initiatives should seek to include the integration of women to bring about transformation from hyper-masculine militarised masculinity.

There are many barriers:

  • Cultural factors in societies that perpetuate patriarchal gender formations, and perpetuate discrimination against women in the workplace
  • Women’s reluctance to be part of a male dominated working environment or participate in what is seen as ‘men’s work’.
  • Women are seen primarily as victims in a dualistic worldview that places men as protectors and breadwinners.
  • Women’s contribution to Peacekeeping seeks to overcome, not only operating in a male dominated environment, but one that is often hostile and unpredictable.
  • Sexual harassment and abuse. This is seen both  within security institutions and organisations, and the impact of such behaviour on communities outside.  

 The #MeToo movement highlighted how power is used to abuse and denigrate women who have the temerity to seek to advance their careers.

  • The myth of the demands and importance placed on Physical Strength of individual security professionals
  • Political conditions which encourage toxic masculinity and exacerbate the likelihood of conflict
  • Lack of professionalism and leadership in security organisations, and non-adherence to acceptable standards of behaviour
  • Lack of female role models, and too many harmful stereotypes
  • Lack of funding for meaningful and transformative gender training of security forces


Although the barriers seem many, solutions are worked out every day through grassroots organisations where problems are felt first hand and people learn. Women know what is needed to make their world a safer one, where work goes on to de-escalate and resolve conflicts from household level to community to national scale.

Young people, particularly girls, need to know what to study at school, college and university to go into the many and varied careers which make up the security sector. We need to see established a pipeline of talent in all areas of security to enable women to reach leadership positions which will bring about the change of organisational culture needed.

SecurityWomen held a Conference on Women’s Participation in the Security Sector in London in June 2019 which highlighted the differing practices, policies and stories around security in the world. The discussions and film from this event is available on the SecurityWomen app (search SecurityWomen in the App Store).

25 years ago, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action projected a path to a more gender equal world. Chapter IV on Strategic Objectives and Actions separate out in Section E, the issues on Women and Armed Conflict which states that peace is inextricably linked with equality between women and men and development. It is 20 years since UN SRC 1325 passed, calling for women’s equal participation in conflict resolution and peace-building, and we are 5 years into the sustainable development agenda, with focus on SDG 5 and 16.

This event is about knowledge transfer, providing information, best practice and examples of where women have contributed to keeping and building peace, and where the gaps are. We are a long way from achieving gender equity and so this event is intended to inspire and re-energise for the work that needs to be done.





Women in Cybersecurity

Aurora, CO

Established in 2012, the Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) serves as a non-profit organization for fostering a community of engagement, encouragement, and support for women technologists—whether they work in academia, research, or the cybersecurity industry. Additionally, WiCyS features presentations, keynotes, and hands-on workshops, as well as mentor matching and networking socials. Notably, the conference offers low-cost tickets and even further discounted student rates



U.S. Capitol Visitors Center Room 217 First St NE Washington, DC 20515

Tech professionals will gather on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., on 7 October 2019 for the second annual Day of Advocacy coordinated by SheLeadsTech, an initiative from global tech association ISACA. As part of the ISACA advocacy day, taking place during the association’s 50th anniversary year, women and men working in IT and information systems careers will meet with lawmakers to discuss the importance of improving diversity in tech professions, instilling training and development programs in the workplace, and raising awareness of unconscious bias.

Participants will also network with other tech professionals and learn from keynote speaker Laura Bate, cybersecurity fellow at New America, who will speak on the gender gap in cybersecurity and ways that girls and women can learn about and thrive in these careers in her talk, “Bringing Women Into and Up Through Cybersecurity Careers.” A panel discussion moderated by Gail Coury will follow, featuring panelists Krysten McCabe, Anna Murray, Sandy Silk and Allison Swihart, who will discuss key findings related to women in the tech workforce from the ISACA research survey, “Tech Workforce 2020: The Age and Gender Perception Gap,” which will be released that day.

“It is vital for our professional community to be aware of the latest data around the underrepresentation of women in the tech sector, including current trends related to recruitment and retention,” said Coury, board chair of One in Tech, an ISACA Foundation, and vice president and general manager, Silverline at F5 Networks. “This knowledge gives us power to drive meaningful change, and during the Day of Advocacy, we can bring this survey data to life by sharing our experiences and, more importantly, brainstorming actionable solutions to these issues.”

To learn more and to register for this free event, visit this web page.

ISACA’s SheLeadsTech program offers community, networking, education and more to help advance women leaders in tech, including:

  • Seminars and workshops, including a half-day SheLeadsTech seminar featuring speakers and topics related to elevating women leaders in the technology field following the 2019 EuroCACS/CSX conference


Now in its 50th anniversary year, ISACA® ( is a global association helping individuals and enterprises achieve the positive potential of technology. Today’s world is powered by information and technology, and ISACA equips professionals with the knowledge, credentials, education and community to advance their careers and transform their organizations. ISACA leverages the expertise of its 460,000 engaged professionals—including its 140,000 members—in information and cyber security, governance, assurance, risk and innovation, as well as its enterprise performance subsidiary, CMMI® Institute, to help advance innovation through technology. ISACA has a presence in more than 188 countries, including more than 220 chapters worldwide and offices in both the United States and China.



Women's Participation in the Security Sector Conference, 12 June 2019

Guildhall, London, UK

Threats to human security range from localised crime to organised conflict to widespread terrorism. Experience tells us that this vital area of human existence cannot be run along gender segregated lines. Women should be equal partners in the protection and security of citizens in all areas as well as being proactive participants in matters of conflict resolution and peace building. It is widely recognised that women’s presence can bring about a better security for society as a whole.

You are invited to the Inaugural Conference
Guildhall,City of London Corporation, EC2V 7HH
12 June 2019
1.30 pm - 6.15 pm
followed by Networking Reception

Please join us for a conference of academic insight, panel discussion and interactive debate. Our speakers will highlight current situations, from the lack of gender balance in UN peacekeeping, and the shortage of women in cyber-security, to the success of female police leadership and integration of female officers.  The conference aims to bring together defence and security leaders, policy advocates and practitioners, academia, media, private and non-profit sector experts to share practical insights and best practice on building more inclusive security services around the world.


Our partners for the Conference are the Canadian Government Defence Engagement Programme and the City of London Corporation who are generously supporting the event, and Women in International Security (WIIS) UK (

The line-up of speakers includes:  

Opening remarks by Commander Karen Baxter, National Coordinator for Economic Crime at City of London Police

Caroline Kennedy-Pipe, Professor of International Security, Loughborough University

Lucy D’Orsi, Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Specialist Operations Metropolitan Police London

Bayartsetseg Jimid, Former State Secretary of the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs of Mongolia

Daniel de Torres, Head of Gender and Security Division, DCAF, Geneva

Jon Christian Moller, UN Police Adviser, Norwegian Mission to the UN

Lieutenant Colonel Rachel Grimes MBE, Staff Officer leading on Women, Peace and Security, UK Army

Major Seitebatso Pearl Block, South African National Defence Force, formerly MONUSCO (DRC)

Sophie Hedenstierna, Analyst, Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operations


The proceedings will be videoed and available on this website following the Conference. There will be an interactive chat forum and you are invited to participate:

we are excited to announce that SecurityWomen has developed its own App platform: follow the link:


Uniting Women in Cyber 2019 Symposium: Creating a Fearless Workforce, May 17, 2019

Keybridge Marriott, Arlington, VA


Uniting Women in Cyber (UWIC) is a program designed to celebrate the success of women leaders thriving in today’s cybersecurity ecosystem and to identify and address issues that may be preventing more women from reaching critical leadership.


We are passionate about bringing together partners from corporate, government, academia, investment and nonprofits to:

  • Create and nurture collaboration for women in leadership roles
  • Build connectivity and mentoring for women in cybersecurity, innovation and emerging technology topics such as Internet of Things
  • Promote advancement and visibility of women in leadership positions
  • Spotlight issues that hinder greater participation in and advancement of women in the tech sector in general, and cybersecurity in particular

For more see:


"Women in the Military: Where They Stand"

Washington DC, Senate Visitors Center Room 201


We await further details from SWAN (The Service Women’s Action Network)

SWAN and WIIS (Women in International Security) are hosting an event sponsored by Senator Richard Blumenthal's (D-CT) office, Washington DC

The presentation includes the 10th edition of Women In the Military: Where They Stand, an update on the status of women's integration into combat units, and an update on the SWAN v. Shanahan lawsuit. Presenters will provide policy and legislative recommendations. There will be a Q&A session.

The schedule for the event is as follows: 

Women in the Military: Where They Stand - Lory Manning, Captain, US Navy (ret.), SWAN

Combat Integration Update - Ellen Haring, Colonel, US Army (ret.), SWAN; Director, Combat Integration Initiative, WIIS

SWAN v. Mattis Lawsuit Update - Gillian Thomas, Senior Staff Attorney, ACLU Women's Rights Project

Recommendations for Congress

Question & Answer Session

Attendance is free, but due to security in the Capitol Visitors Center, attendees must RSVP in advance. An RSVP link can be found here:

Coffee and beverages will be provided; we look forward to seeing you all there!


Women in CyberSecurity (WiCyS) Sixth Annual Conference, March 28-30


The WiCyS conference will focus on recruiting, retaining, inspiring and advancing women in cybersecurity careers as well as its inclusiveness of students and educators, industry, government, the military and research organizations.  It will feature more than 60 technical presentations, hands-on workshops, Birds of a Feather sessions (on topics related to cybersecurity), lightning talks, panel discussions and more than 25 student research project poster sessions. The sessions are organized into four tracks: Today’s Technology and Challenges, Looking Ahead, Best Practices and Career Development.

The conference is sponsored by major corporations, universities, research labs, nonprofit associations and government agencies such as Bank of America, Bloomberg, Cisco, CMU, CSSIA, CyberSN, CyberWatch West, Facebook, Fidelity Investments, Georgia Tech University, Google, IBM, Lockheed Martin, McAfee, Microsoft, National Cyber League, Palo Alto Networks, PayPal, Raytheon, Rochester Institute of Technology, Salesforce, SANS Institute, the Security Industry Association, Symantec, University of Texas Dallas, VISA, Walmart and founding institution, Tennessee Tech University.

WiCyS also provides a job board, career fair and networking and mentoring opportunities in its quest to continually work toward fulfilling its mission.


February 25, 2019: Training for Senior Leaders in Field Operations: Gaps, Challenges and Techniques for Improvement

Trygve Lie Center for Peace, Security & Development International Peace Institute 777 United Nations Plaza, 12th Floor (Corner of 1st Avenue and 44th Street)

The International Peace Institute and the Government of Canada invites all who are interested to a lunchtime policy forum event on the Training for Senior Leaders in Field Operations: Gaps, Challenges and Techniques for Improvement. The event will take place at IPI on Monday, February 25, 2019, from 1:00pm to 2:45pm.

The report of the High-Level Independent Panel on Peace Operations (HIPPO) described leadership as “one of the most crucial factors in the success or failure of UN peace operations.” Please join in discussing how to strengthen the UN’s training architecture and discuss what tools, methods, and approaches—including scenario-based training—are available to improve the UN’s preparation, training, and support to senior leaders of UN field operations.

It is worth noting that the HIPPO report discusses the efforts being made to improve gender balance in leadership roles:

‘In September 2017, the [United Nations] Security Council requested an update from the secretary-general on efforts to improve peacekeeping performance, “including through more effective and efficient training and capacity building.” In the letter he submitted three months later, Secretary-General António Guterres noted, “The generation of capabilities for United Nations peacekeeping… focuses increasingly on all of the factors that lead to effective performance, including agility, training, equipment, technology, doctrine, leadership, discipline, interoperability, welfare and mindset, and gender balance, as well as the absence of operational caveats”. In addition to the highlighting of gender balance as a strategic and operational priority, the references to “training” and “leadership” are encouraging. The HIPPO report, as well as the review of the UN peacebuilding architecture and the review on women, peace, and security, have all stressed the importance of a gender perspective and the need for women to play leadership roles in UN peace operations. The Secretariat has stepped up efforts to redress the long-standing gender imbalance in senior leadership appointments, both at headquarters and in the field. While progress toward gender parity in MLTs (Mission Leadership Team) is slow, it has implications for how senior leaders are prepared and trained. Mission leaders need training and learning support to evolve beyond traditionally male-dominated models of collaboration and decision making. Such support is also needed to prepare more prospective women candidates for leadership positions and to help those appointed to roles in MLTs that had rarely, if ever, been occupied by women in the past.’ (Kennedy and Powers 2019: 4)

‘In line with the Secretariat’s objective to improve gender representation in senior ranks, the search for women candidates for appointment as senior mission leaders has intensified. Progress toward redressing the longstanding gender imbalance in senior leadership positions is making MLTs more diverse. The number of women appointed as head of mission or deputy head of mission has increased from 2 percent of the sixty serving in 2006 to 38 percent of the fifty serving as of November 2018. As of November 2018, five women have been appointed head of mission, and women represented approximately 60 percent of all appointed heads of mission and deputy heads of mission. This is the largest percentage appointed to such positions in a single calendar year (the previous high was 54 percent in 2017). This progress is in line with initiatives such as the secretary-general’s strategy to achieve parity at senior levels by 2021 and DFS’s (UN Department of Field Strategy) strategy to increase the proportion of women serving as head or deputy head of mission at the end of each year until 2021. In 2017, DFS reached its end-of-year target of 30 percent, and it again reached its target of 41 percent for 2018.’.... ‘Proactive searches, development and maintenance of databases, and initiatives like the “global call” for candidates that encourage member states and other entities to nominate candidates and invite individuals to self-nominate have enriched the selection pool. A similar call for women nominees for a “senior women talent pipeline” at the director level has shown promise as a means of addressing the longstanding, severe gender imbalance in MLTs.’  (Kevin S. Kennedy and Laura Powers, “Senior Leadership Training in UN Peace Operations,” International Peace Institute, February 2019)


Call for submissions to Report on Gender and Private Military and Security Companies


The Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights is calling for submissions to a report on Gender and Private Military and Security Companies: deadline 28th February 2019

The background to this is that the Working Group on the use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the rights of peoples to self-determination is mandated by the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC/33/4) to monitor mercenaries, mercenary related activities, and the activities of private military and security companies (PMSCs).

In one of its two thematic reports for 2019, the Working Group intends to focus on gender dimensions of the PMSC industry. The Working Group will examine key gender-specific considerations for the PMSC industry at the company level and in its interactions with external stakeholders. It will consider the specific and differential impact of policies and practices by PMSCs on the enjoyment of human rights by women, men, and other persons identifying themselves outside those binary categories, and the availability of accountability and remedial mechanisms for alleged violations of those rights. Further, it will reflect on the extent to which related international and regional initiatives as well as national legislation regulating PMSCs contribute towards greater gender equality and non-discrimination. Throughout, the Working Group will seek to highlight good practices by all relevant stakeholders.


As such, the Working Group invites interested States, inter-governmental organisations, civil society organizations, experts, private companies and other stakeholders to contribute to the elaboration of its thematic report by responding to all or relevant parts of the guiding questions set out below. The questions are meant as an indication of possible areas of interest rather than to provide an exhaustive or a prescriptive list. The Working Group therefore welcomes any additional pertinent information on the specific subject matter that may help it in the preparation of its report.


Responses may be submitted to the Working Group in English, French or Spanish at If not stated otherwise in your submission, the responses received will be published on the website of the Working Group. However, if requested, the Working Group may treat the submission confidentially.


Gender Training of Peacekeepers, October 31, 11:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m.

BIC offices, 866 UN Plaza #120

In UNSCR 1325, gender training of peacekeeping personnel is included as a key element

to ensure the eradication of violence against women and girls in conflict but also to

recognize women as early warning of potential conflict and as important contributors to

peace talks and implementation of peace agreements. The inclusion of more female

peacekeepers in UN field-based operations is recognised as an important part of meeting

these requirements.

Some countries have undertaken gender training of peacekeeping troops and police, both

uniformed and civilian personnel, and some of this is in line with DPKO standards, some

less and some more. Training is often seen as inadequate because it is not carried out for all

peacekeeping personnel.

There is little record of the models of training or of their efficacy. And what impact does

training have on the behaviours and attitudes of the peacekeepers themselves? With the

inclusion of more female peacekeepers in field-based roles, are they receiving the specialist

training required to handle, for instance, victims of sexual and gender based violence?

Overall, what has been the impact of gender training on peacekeeping operations? And

what needs to change and what still needs to be achieved?


11.15 Prompt start

11.15 – 11.20 

Welcome and Introduction Zarin Hainsworth

11.20 - 11.30

Juliet Colman “The role of Women in Peacekeeping”

11.30 – 11.40 

Jane Connors “ Preventing and Responding to

Sexual Exploitation and Abuse: A Victim-Centred Approach”

11.40 – 11.50 

Upala Devi “The new UNFPA training

curriculum on addressing sexual and gender-based violence

against women and girls targeted at peace-keeping sending


11.50 – 12.00 

Major General Patrick Cammaert “Female

Military Officers Course”

12.00 – 12.05 

Miranda Saul “Preventing Gender-Based

Violence as a Role of the Peacekeeper”

12.05 – 12.15 

Discussion amongst audience

12.15 – 12.40 


12.40 Thanks & Close - Zarin


Women In Defence - Ice Maidens, 5:45 p.m.-9 p.m., October 22

PA Consulting Group 7th Floor, 10 Bressenden Place London SW1E 5DN

Sophie Montagne is one of six women who formed the first all women team, from any nation, to use muscle power alone to cross Antarctica. They had no back up or support team and relied on each other for physical and mental strength to make the journey.

Some of the team members didn’t think they would be strong enough or bring anything extra to the team but the aim of inspiring other women to be more active and to chase their dreams drove them to keep trying.  

Sophie is a surveillance operator in the Honourable Artillery Company Army Reserves Regiment at the weekends, and during the week works in marketing in Central London. Sophie learnt to ski with the Army and has been obsessed with it ever since. She is a military ski instructor and has raced for her regiment, breaking the national speed limit when she hit 73mph in the downhill.

One of the aims of Sophie’s challenge was to inspire others to be more active and reach for their own goals.  Crossing Antarctica won’t be at the top of many people’s lists, but the teams’ hope is that they encourage women to try something different to reach their full potential.

If you would like to send questions in advance of the evening, even if you are unable to attend, please post them on the Women in Defence LinkedIn group or email Siobhan Austin.

I do hope you will be able to join us. Registration will commence from 17:45 with the event starting at 18.30. There will be time after the presentation for networking over some refreshments.

For further information and to register please contact Nini Ali-Khanby email or telephone on 079 7076 1804.


Women Leaders in Cybersecurity: At the Intersection of Technology, Privacy and Security - 16 October 2018

Vanderbilt Hall, Greenberg Lounge 40 Washington Sq. South, New York

Don't miss the annual Women Leaders in Cybersecurity Conference, October 16, 2018, from 9am to 4pm, brought to you by the NYU Center for Cybersecurity.

This year’s conference, At the Intersection of Technology, Privacy, and Security, will bring together leading women in cybersecurity to address some of the most pressing issues in cybersecurity today.  Featured topics include data privacy and security, cyber defense, government relations, and the impact of synthetic media on human rights and democracy. Joining the lineup will be speakers from firms including Jigsaw (formerly Google Ideas), Microsoft, Uber, Wickr, American Express, ADP, 21st Century Fox, Cisco, Endgame, Palantir and elsewhere, along with high-level former and current government officials and academics.

The previous two conferences were oversubscribed, so please reserve your seat now for this day-long gathering of leading women from across disciplines of cybersecurity—including law, academia, tech, and business—to join an interdisciplinary dialogue on critical cybersecurity issues, and elevate voices of women who are leading the field.

Featured speakers include:

Sylvia Acevedo, CEO, Girl Scouts of the USA

Yasmin Green, Director of Research and Development, Jigsaw, Alphabet (formerly Google Ideas)

Jeanette Manfra, Assistant Secretary for the Office of Cybersecurity and Communications, US Department of Homeland Security

Angela McKay, Senior Director, Cybersecurity Policy and Strategy, Microsoft

And speakers from Palantir, Uber, American Express, Wickr, 21st Century Fox,and more.


International Day of Peace - 21 September 2018

The Cathedral Church of St John the Divine, 1047 Amsterdam Avenue New York, NY 10025

Meaningfulworld United Nations International Day of Peace

To celebrate ATOP (Association for Trauma Outreach and Prevention) Meaningfulworld's 30th anniversary and the United Nations International Day of Peace, Meaningfulworld has planned an exciting program to be held at the majestic and historic Cathedral of St John the Divine in New York City.

The topic of this program is 'Forgiveness for Peace: Upholding the Sustainable Development Goals to heal our World', which directly coincides with SGD 16, 'Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions', calling for inclusive societies, access to justice for all, as well as effective and accountable institutions.

For more details about this event, which is free and open to the public, see:


Inaugural Meeting of the Military Women's Coalition, 7 September 2018

Atlanta, GA, USA

Women have served and fought in every conflict since the American Revolution, yet despite their critical contributions to our national security they continue to face barriers within the military and when accessing the VA benefits and services they have earned while defending our nation.

An advisory group of military women's organizations, convened by the Service Women's Action Network (SWAN),  have joined forces to reach out to and connect with other military organizations across the country that primarily support military women. Whether you are a formal or informal organization, a social group or a Facebook group for service women and women veterans, we are asking you to join us in Atlanta on September 7, 2018 to participate in an inaugural meeting to form a Military Women's Coalition. The coalition will elevate the voices of the current 2.2 million U.S. service women and women veterans and unite them to become a powerful force for change. All military women and women veterans groups, including grassroots groups, social groups, Facebook groups, nonprofit groups and similar organizations are invited to join the Coalition. Register hereA limited number of travel stipends are available. 

Make sure you have a chance to shape the agenda for the Coalition meeting and training workshops! Please complete this survey that will help us answer the questions: Can U.S. service women’s organizations benefit by participating in a coalition of organizations? If so, what benefits, shared expertise, and topic areas would organizations like addressed through a coalition? Results of this survey will be reported back to you and will be discussed at the inaugural convening on Sept. 7 in Atlanta. 


International Association of Women Police Conference, August 26-30, 2018

Calgary, Canada

The 2018 International Association of Women Police Conference will meet August 26-30. This year the focus will be on the policing world and how we can all lead change in our communities and workplaces. During the conference, you will hear from leaders in personal and professional advancement in the following areas:

Organizational culture

Respect and harassment

Investigative strategies and case studies

Recruiting, employment and retention


Community engagement

Working with partners


Diversity and inclusion


Lean In at Columbia University Spring 2018 Conference

Lerner Hall, Columbia University (2920 Broadway, New York, NY 10027)

The conference will have two focuses: first, we want to create a platform for bringing noteworthy insights about female leadership into new light, by highlighting powerful stories from women professionals across many disciplines. Second, the event will serve as a celebration of women and ally communities: the day will both strengthen connections between Lean In members and facilitate new connections. We hope all attendees emerge from the conference more inspired, more educated, and more capable of transcending our society's divisions of race, class, and gender. 


1:00     Registration + Business Exhibition

2:15     Keynotes: Minerva Tantoco (CTO of New York City) & Michelle Wu (Council Member, Los Altos Hills)

3:30     Identity Awareness Activity 

4:30     Lightning Talks

5:30     Connect Cards Activity

6:30     Dinner

RSVP here

Learn more about Lean In at CU


SANS Institute Mentoring Event

Washington, D.C.

November 26, 2017: SANS Institute, the global leader in information security training, has announced a special mentoring event for girls and women in technology, the Women's CONNECT Event. Presented in partnership with ISSA Women in Security SIG, Women's Society of Cyberjutsu, ISACA and WITI, the event will be held December 15 in conjunction with SANS Cyber Defense Initiative 2017, which takes place in Washington, D.C.December 12–19.Groups of Girl Scouts and students as well as individuals are invited to participate in this special event which brings together tomorrow's technology leaders with today's women in technology. This is an interactive evening of activities for girls and includes real-world talks with female mentors and women currently working in the cyber security profession.

According to Adriana Sanford, Internationally-recognized privacy and cybersecurity scholar, "STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) careers have become critical to meeting the world's challenges and to building better opportunities for tomorrow. Outreach, recruitment, and mentoring is needed to encourage more female participation. Only 16% of female students around the world graduate with majors in STEM subjects. It is our hope, through programs like the Women's CONNECT event that we can make a positive change and open the door for more female cyber security professionals."

To learn more about the Women's CONNECT Event, or to register to attend this complimentary event, please visit:

Read more: SANS Mentoring Event Aims to Foster the Next Generation of Women in Technology (CISION PR Newswire,


16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence

Various Locations

The International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) is sponsoring the campaign 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence from November 25 to December 10. In 2017, the 26th year of the campaign, the focus is on working  together to end gender-based violence in education. The goal of the campaign is to continue to build awareness and advocate for an end to all forms of gender-based violence.The IANSA Women's Network invites members and friends to join in this campaign using the theme: "Real Men Don't Need Guns. End Gender-Based Violence." Most of the world's small arms are in the hands of men, and they are the primary perpetrators and victims of gun violence. This is due in part to the social construction that power comes from the barrel of a gun. Guns are closely linked to traditional perceptions of masculinity, and this has contributes to different forms of violence including gender-based violence. In this year’s 16 Days of Activism campaign, we take on the issue of violent masculinity and call for an end to gun violence. Network members will carry out awareness-raising activities such as:

  • Holding a talk or seminar on the topic of gender and gun violence.
  • Holding a public photo campaign inviting people to hold photos of this sign.  This leaflet  can be handed out the event. Share the photos on social media and other sites. Scroll down to see example photos.
  • Lobby and campaign for laws, policies, and programs addressing gender-based gun violence. 
  • If your country or city has a voluntary weapon surrender system, share information about it and encourage involvement.
  • Do radio or TV interviews on gender-based violence and small arms.
  • Write an op-ed piece on the topic.
  • Encourage local faith-based organizations to address the topic of gender-based violence and small arms in their faith activities.
  • Use social media and other platforms to promote Sustainable Development Goal 5.2 (ending all forms of violence against women and girls).  On November 25 (​International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women), you can tweet: "Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls. #16DAYS #IANSAWomen #SDG5 #Target2 #Envision2030" along with this image. Scroll down for more information about SDG 5.2.
  • Pass out stickers or buttons with this image 
  • Establish a gun-free zone in your community.
  • Hold a march, rally, or peace walk, calling for an end to gender-based violence.
  • Call for stronger laws to take guns away from perpetrators.

For more information about the 16 days campaign, click "See More"


UK premiere of play 'Oslo'

Harold Pinter Theatre, London, UK

J T Rogers’ play, Oslo, is performed at the National Theatre, London, from 5 - 23 September. It opens in the West End, London, at the Harold Pinter Theatre from 2 October to 30 December.

It draws on the experiences of Norwegian diplomat Mona Juul and her husband, social scientist Terje Rød-Larsen who fixed secret meetings between the State of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organisation.

The Free Thinking BBC Radio 3 programme: ‘Diplomacy’ discusses the play and the art of negotiation with

Philip Dodd and guests, Sir John Jenkins, Gabrielle Rifkind, Michael Burleigh, and Dr Beyza Unal

Tuesday 19 September, 22.00 hrs

Sir John Jenkins is a former diplomat and Executive Director of The International Institute for Strategic Studies - Middle East. He's been HM Consul-General in Israel, and Ambassador to Syria, Iraq and Saudia Arabia.

Gabrielle Rifkind is a senior consultant to the Middle East Programme, which she founded and directed until 2015. She is the Director of the Oxford Process, an independent preventive diplomacy initiative pioneered through her dialogue work with Oxford Research Group (ORG).

Michael Burleigh is a historian and author of books including A Cultural History of Terrorism; Small Wars, Far Away Places: The Genesis of the Modern World and Moral Combat: A History of World War Two.

Dr Beyza Unal is a research fellow with the International Security Department at Chatham House. She specializes in nuclear weapons policies and leads projects on chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons. Dr Unal is also conducting research on cybersecurity.

Programme Producer: Eliane Glaser


The International Association of Women Police, 2017 Conference

Cairns, Queensland, Australia

The International Association of Women Police (IAWP) and the Australasian Council of Women and Policing (ACWAP), supported by the Queensland Police Service (QPS) are delighted to host the 2017 International Women & Law Enforcement Conference.

For the first time, this global event will be held in Cairns, Queensland, Australia - an excellent opportunity to showcase the beauty of tropical North Queensland.  Cairns is known for its community spirit, which aligns perfectly with the conference theme. The chosen theme “Global Networks: Local Law Enforcement” was selected to highlight the importance of partnerships and celebrate the cooperation between law enforcement agencies and the community around the globe.

ACWAP and IAWP are renowned for delivering world class events to promote women and law enforcement. The conference will incorporate the 55th IAWP Annual Training Conference & Award and Recognition Programs, together with the 10th Biennial ACWAP Conference and the 19th ACWAP Excellence in Policing Awards.  Experts from national and international law enforcement agencies, family and community agencies, legal representatives, academics, researchers and community groups all collaborate to make these events a resounding success.

The 2017 International Women & Law Enforcement Conference is an exciting opportunity for Australasian police and law enforcement partners to join our global community and enhance women in law enforcement and other community protection roles.


Gun Free Valentine Campaign

Pretoria, South Africa

Pretoria, South Africa – Gun Free South Africa, the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) and Sonke Gender Justice have launched the #GunFreeValentine campaign to highlight that women in South Africa are more likely to be killed by an intimate partner than by a stranger, with firearms in the home posing a specific risk.

Research by the Medical Research Council (MRC) of South Africa shows that 57% of women killed in South Africa are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends and that a woman is killed by her intimate partner every eight hours. Romi Sigsworth, a gender expert with the ISS, notes that the complexity of intimate partner violence means a range of interventions are needed to reduce risk and build resilience. ‘The problem is that interventions like early childhood development, creating jobs and tackling substance abuse are often long-term and expensive’. ‘A short-term and effective response to reduce the lethality of intimate partner violence is to remove the weapon used to threaten, injure or kill,’ says Sigsworth. ‘Guns by their nature are especially deadly. Proactive action by the police and courts to get guns out of the home can save lives by reducing the lethality of domestic violence’.

Gun Free South Africa’s Adèle Kirsten explains why the #GunFreeValentine campaign is being launched on Valentine’s Day: ‘In a patriarchal country like South Africa, gun ownership is sometimes seen as a sign of love; a man buys a gun to protect himself and his family from stranger danger’. ‘However, it is a myth that a gun in the home increases a family’s safety. Research shows that a woman is more at risk of being shot in her home with a legal gun owned by her partner than of being shot by a stranger’, says Kirsten.

The MRC research found that a legal gun is used in 75% of cases in which a woman is shot and killed, and in 60% of cases this shooting occurs in her home. ‘The #GunFreeValentine campaign, which runs from 14 February until International Women’s Day on 8 March is a call to action’, says Angelica Pino from Sonke Gender Justice. ‘It aims to alert women to the risks of a gun in the home; and how the law can be used to save a life. Both the Firearms Control Act and Domestic Violence Act give women the power to take action against domestic violence by requiring police or court officials to confiscate firearms or other dangerous weapons when a domestic violence complaint involving a gun or other weapon is made’.

Any woman who lives in fear of a gun or other dangerous weapon in her home can ask the police or the courts to remove the weapon immediately. Contact: Gun Free South Africa

– Claire Taylor: Adèle Kirsten: Institute for Security Studies – Romi Sigsworth: Sonke Gender Justice – Mbuyiselo Botha: Nonhlanhla Skosana:


Are Women an essential part of Security Sector Reform and the achievement of SDG 16?

Drew Room of the Church Center for the United Nations

This parallel event, taking place on Monday 14 March 2016, in the Drew Room of the Church Center for the United Nations, New York, will consist of a panel of speakers talking about the role of women in human security. The admittance of more women into security institutions, in particular, the military and police, has generated much debate and controversy, often not advancing beyond arguments around physical capability.

There is a paucity of research in this area, and this is hampered by a sensitivity to national security and political control. The picture globally commonly portrays security as a male job, often legislating against allowing women equal opportunities in terms of employment and participation in security sectors. It has become increasingly apparent that female police and military personnel in UN peacekeeping operations are a valuable and essential resource to prevent conflict and build peace and community trust. The Commission on the Status of Women takes place 14 - 24 March 2016 in New York and the priority theme is 'Women's empowerment and its link to sustainable development’.


Gender Awareness in the Security and Defence Field

University of San Diego, 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110, USA

April 27 – 28, 2017

The University of San Diego’s Institute for Peace and Justice, at the Kroc School of Peace Studies, will host a full day high-profile event on Gender Awareness in the Security and Defence Field. The event will bring together members of the security and defense sectors from throughout Southern California, students, academics and leading practitioners. Speakers include national and international experts in security and defense policy and operations; the event will be headlined by H. E. Rose Gottemoeller, NATO Deputy Secretary General.

All events on April 27 are free and open to the public. The event, and associated research and training protocols, have been made possible by a NATO Science for Peace and Security Grant.


The Status of Integrating Women in US Combat Jobs and Units: Successes and Challenges

Dirksen Senate Office Building, Rm SD-106, Washington DC, USA

Sponsored by Senator Kristen Gillibrand (D-NY); organised by Service Women’s Action Network

In 2013, the Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff announced the repeal of the rule that prohibited women from being assigned to combat jobs and combat units. The Services were directed to develop and complete integration implementation plans by April 2016. The Services are now one year into full integration.  Military and civilian experts will examine the progress made toward full integration and the challenges that remain.

Opening Remarks: Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)

Panel Discussion: Integration Successes

Welcome and Introduction: Ellen Haring (Service Women’s Action Network, US Army Colonel-Retired)

  • Holly Hemphill (National Women’s Law Center, Senior Counsel)

History of integration-for more than six decades women have slowly integrated military occupations and units. Ms. Hemphill will provide a brief overview of the trends that have supported or impeded the gradual opening of occupations and units.

  • BG Hugh Van Roosen, invited (Department of the Army, Deputy G1)

The Army is well into full integration. BG Van Roosen will provide an update on where the Army stands with full integration, as well as the successes and challenges to date.

  • 2LT Katrina Simpson, NH USANG, Infantry Officer AND 2LT Anna Traylor, USA Armor officer

2LT Simpson and 2LT Traylor are graduates of the first integrated infantry and armor officer courses. They will describe their motivation for joining, their initial training, and how standards were applied during their training.

Panel Discussion: Ongoing Challenges

  • Kate Germano (LtCol, USMC Retired)

Kate Germano is a former commander of the all women USMC recruit training battalion. She will outline the problems associated with segregated boot camp and how to overcome those challenges.

  • Joe Plenzler, invited (LtCol, USMC Retired Infantry Officer) AND Greg Jacobs (Capt, USMC veteran)

Former Marine Corps infantry officers. They will discuss physical requirements of the infantry branch as related to recently published standards for the Marine Corps Infantry Officer Course.

  • Gillian Thomas (American Civil Liberties Union, Staff Attorney)

Ms. Thomas will outline past and ongoing legal challenges related to women’s full integration.

Q & A


Women’s Work in Security: a Man’s World?

The Chapel, Community Church of New York, 40 East 35th Street, New York 10016

A parallel event to the 61st UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW).

The speakers at this panel event will highlight women’s vital roles in the protection and security of citizens. Topics range from security sector reform in Colombia to peacekeeping in the DRC and women in cyber-security. Without the gendered diversity of workforce, the needs of all of society are often inadequately catered for, and where are the women in senior and decision-making positions?

Panel of Speakers:

Chair: Dr Juliet Colman, Director, SecurityWomen

Alexandra Amling, Researcher, One Earth Future

Lea Biason, Gender Officer, Police Division, UN Peacekeeping Operations

Major Rachel Grimes, Gender Advisor, Military Division, UN Peacekeeping Operations

Lucy Owen, National Alliance of Women’s Organisations (NAWO) YWA


UK Exhibition - Women and the Royal Navy

Portsmouth Historic Dockyard, Visitor Centre, Victory Gate, HM Naval Base, Portsmouth PO1 3LJ

‘Pioneers to Professionals: Women and the Royal Navy’ exhibition will reveal the impact of women’s involvement from the seventeenth century onwards, during both world wars, the Cold War to integration and beyond, to today’s serving personnel.

Free with a valid ticket.