

Articles & Publications

Women in Security – the Czech Republic

May 15, 2024

The Czech Republic is a small country of 10 million people located in the centre of Europe. Following the fall of communism and the breakup with Slovakia, Czechia became a member of NATO and the EU.

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Analysis of Gender Equality within the Security Sector in Indonesia

April 25, 2024

Indonesia's geographical diversity can pose logistical challenges in implementing gender equality initiatives uniformly across regions due to remote and isolated areas that may face additional barriers to promoting gender equality in security sectors due to limited infrastructure and resources.

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Do women make organisations better?

November 1, 2023

Here is a clip of the BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour programme broadcast on 26th September 2023 which asks the above question and gives the example of policing.

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Breaking barriers: A female forensic eye in a male-dominated field

August 23, 2023

My name is Laura Mitton and I hold the rank of Warrant Officer in the South African Police Service. I am currently employed as a Forensic Analyst specialising in Forensic Ballistics and I work at the Forensic Science Laboratory located in Cape Town, South Africa. This has been my story thus far.

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Increasing Security Using Women’s Police Stations: Argentine and Brazilian Case Studies

August 21, 2023

As an advocacy organisation, SecurityWomen promotes the increased representation of women in police, military, and peacekeeping forces ­– with the goal of changing the culture of these institutions and structures to improve overall security. Both Argentina and Brazil’s implementation of women’s police stations, where policing is only by women and where only victims of male violence are received, provide interesting case studies to show exactly how society can benefit from a new policing that is not hyper-masculinised.

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What is the way forward for the Metropolitan Police Service?

June 30, 2023

SecurityWomen advocates for the safe inclusion of women in the security sector, and recent reviews of the Metropolitan Police have demonstrated the need for better standards within policing. Our first article begins a series by SecurityWomen that will outline the problems raised by recent reports and follow the ongoing reviews into police vetting practices, code of ethics consultations, and the future direction of the Met Police.

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2022 needs to be the year when UK police rebuild trust with the public

March 14, 2022

2021 was a watershed year for UK police services in particular the London Met. British policing needs regain the trust of women whose experiences of sexual and domestic abuse have been dismissed or belittled. The way in which key initiatives are implemented in 2022 will be critical for restoring the public’s trust in the police.

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Women in Law Enforcement in the ASEAN Region

October 17, 2020

In the ASEAN region – consisting of Brunei, Myanmar, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Indonesia,Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam – female policing is comparatively low in contrast to the remaining world states.

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Vulnerability requires sensitivity and more police women: A personal testimony

October 16, 2020

Rotherham became the epicentre of a child sexual abuse scandal in 2014. A key element to the national outrage was the lack of police protection for the victims, many of whose statements were ignored at police stations.

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Can Women Make a Difference?

May 19, 2020

In this article, contrasts are made on considerations of gender in the 5-year plans of South Africa's Department of Defence (DOD) and the South African Police Service (SAPS)

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‘Be a Force for All’ Recruitment Campaign: the questions we should be asking….

April 8, 2020

Law enforcement in the United Kingdom is organised separately in each of the legal systems of the United Kingdom: England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Most law enforcement is carried out by police officers serving in regional police services (known as territorial police forces) within one of those jurisdictions. These regional services are complemented by UK-wide agencies, such as the National Crime Agency and the national specialist units of certain territorial police forces, such as the Specialist Operations directorate of the Metropolitan Police.

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India's Women Police Fighting Sexual Harrassment

October 23, 2018

October 23, 2018: India has a gruesome record on sex crimes, with nearly 40,000 rapes reported every year. But the real figure is thought to be much higher, with victims wary of how their complaints will be dealt with. All-female police units are shaking up the male-dominated force in conservative northwest India, hitting the streets to combat sex crimes and a pervasive culture of silence around rape.

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The Afghan Policewomen Taking on the Taliban

September 3, 2018

March 17, 2014: The face of the Afghan National Police (ANP) is changing. More and more women are being recruited to take on the fight against insurgents when NATO forces withdraw in December this year. Their brief is to do the jobs that men can't – in the segregated, strictly religious world of Afghanistan, women can be searched only by women. The Taliban has exploited this in a string of attacks in which men have dressed as women to conceal weapons or to gain entry.

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Metropolitan elite

June 28, 2017

It has been a long journey for women to reach the top of the police service [in the UK], writes Jacqui Smith in Progress

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Police brutality? Put more women on patrol

June 28, 2017

In the US, growing fear of and frustration with police might be lessened if the ranks of female officers were increased.

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Young Women Encouraged to Join National Police of Timor-Leste

June 28, 2017

A recent survey on gender violence indicates that 38 percent of Timorese women have experienced physical violence by the age of 15.

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