Lebanon’s first and current WPS NAP covers the period 2019-2022. There does not appear to be an update to this NAP.
Objectives of Lebanon’s 2019-2022 NAP:
Lebanon’s WPS NAP comprises five Strategic Priorities, each supported by a goal statement:
Strategic Priority I: Women’s Participation in Decision-Making at All Levels
The Government of Lebanon shall ensure women’s increased participation and representation in local and national governance structures and take proper measures to ensure women’s increased participation in the security and defense sectors. The government shall also work towards women’s active participation in conflict prevention, peace mediation and negotiations. In addition, the Government of Lebanon shall eliminate obstacles to help increase women’s access to the economic resources to create favorable conditions for sustainable peace.
Strategic Priority II: Prevention of Conflict
The Government of Lebanon shall work to ensure that women play an active role in the prevention of conflict and in decreasing tensions at the national and local levels. It will promote women’s roles in preventing violent extremism and in the implementation of early warning response systems.
Strategic Priority III: Prevention of and Protection of Women and Girls from Gender-Based Violence
The Government of Lebanon shall protect all women and all children, girls and boys, from sexual and gender-based violence, discrimination, abuse and exploitative practices including trafficking in persons. The Government of Lebanon shall adopt and implement laws to protect all women and children and ensure access to multi-sectoral services including access to shelter, redress, and health services.
Strategic Priority IV: Relief and Recovery
The Government of Lebanon shall respond to the needs of all women and girls in relief and recovery efforts resulting from natural disasters and conflicts.
Strategic Priority V: Normative Framework
The Government of Lebanon shall work to ensure the amendment, adoption, and implementation of laws and policies that prevent discrimination against girls and women and protect them from all forms of violence and exploitation.
Lebanon has faced many conflicts over the past fifty years, exacerbated by the continued Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories bordering Lebanon. The UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) estimates the number of refugees in Lebanon to be approx 450,000, with around 60 percent of Palestinians in Lebanon living in 12 camps around the country; a further 40 per cent live in towns and villages that are in close proximity to the camps.
The country has also been badly affected by the recent war in Syria which has resulted in displacement of more than one million Syrians to Lebanon. The role of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon has been critical to maintaining peace in the country (see box below).

Civil society involvement in development of the NAP:
The National Commission for Lebanon Women initiated the NAP process in 2017 by forming a Steering Committee with representatives of ministries and civil society, including displaced Palestinians, Syrians and Iraqis. UN agencies provided the technical assistance and support to the work of this steering committee.
UN peacekeeping statistics:
At September 2023 Lebanon was not contributing any personnel to UN peacekeeping missions, rather it is a recipient of a major UN peacekeeping mission (UNIFIL) which comprises some 9,500 troops. Landmines and other Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) cover more than 6.9 million square metres of land, affecting the lives and livelihoods of an estimated 200,000 people. Members of UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS) work with UNIFIL to free up more of this land.
Women in peacekeeping:
Women enrolled in the Lebanese Armed Forces in the late 1980’s, Initially women served in medical and admin roles, but following a growing demand for their inclusion in combat, a Ministerial Resolution was issued enabling women to join the LAF on equal terms with men. In 2019 Lebanese defence forces included approximately 6,700 women, of which 4,700 were soldiers, with the remainder holding officer and NCO positions.
References and sources:
Lebanon WPS NAP: Lebanon-NAP-2019-2022.pdf (wpsnaps.org)
United Nations Peacekeeping (Sept 2023) https://peacekeeping.un.org/en/troop-and-police-contributors
Contribution of Uniformed Personnel to UN by Country, Mission, and Personnel Type (Sept 2023): 05-Missions Detailed By Country
UNIFIL: UNIFIL | United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon (unmissions.org)
UNMAS: UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS) UNIFIL | UNIFIL (unmissions.org)
Women in the Lebanon Armed Forces Women in the LAF | الموقع الرسمي للجيش اللبناني (lebarmy.gov.lb)
Lebanon News: Empowered and united: Lebanese womens impact in military history on Lebanons Army Day - Lebanon News (lbcgroup.tv) :