
Moldova adopted its first National Action Plan on 21 March 2018 (2018-2021) to implement the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.  Moldova ranks 30 out of 144 countries in the 2017 Global Gender Gap Index (GGI) and acceded to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in 1994.No updates are currently available.

Objectives/Aims of the 2018-2021 NAP:

The Moldovan NAP is outlined with eight key objectives. The objectives have been formulated under two limbs, which are, increasing women’s representation in the security and defense sector and ensuring an inclusive security sector. The objectives are the following:

  1. Reducing the stereotypes about the role of women in the security and defense sector;
  2. Improving the opportunities for women and men from the system to reconcile the professional and family life;
  3. Preventing and responding to discrimination, harassment, and gender-based violence within the sector;
  4. Developing an inclusive and proactive human resources management system;
  5. Implementing reasonable adjustment and special temporary measures in the security and defense system;
  6. Strengthening the transparency and involvement of civil society in the decisions taken by the security and defense system;
  7. Developing the institutional capacity for mainstreaming gender in security and defense policies;
  8. Supporting the participation of women in peacebuilding and peacekeeping missions.


The lead agency in the NAP is the government. The NAP was developed with different ministries such as the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, and Ministry of Internal Affairs.

For each objective, the Moldovian NAP offers a set of activities to reach the objective. Each of these activities has a set of indicators attached. In terms of monitoring and evaluation, the NAP was to undergo regular evaluations that assess how delivery processes of the NAP’s strategic outcomes are led, how challenges are addressed and what best practices are to further build upon.

There is not a specific budget outlined in the NAP, although, throughout the implementation stages, the funding was to be from the annually approved allocations of the responsible authority or institution’s budget. However, gaps remain in other key areas such as disarmament, as it still is not mentioned or referenced in the NAP.

Civil Society engagement in the development of the NAP:

The NAP mentions civil society involvement in all stages of NAP development, implementation, and monitoring, with objective 6 specifically mentioning strengthening the involvement of civil society in the decisions taken by the security and defense system.

UN Peacekeeping Statistics and Women in Peacekeeping:

As of 30 November 2023, Moldova has contributed 10 officials for peacekeeping missions. These include experts on missions, individual police and staff officers. As of 30 November 2023, Moldova had a total of 10 uniformed personnel contributed, 7 of them being males. On 20 April 2023, the total number of uniformed personnel was 43, 40 of them being male.

References and Sources:

Moldova NAP Overview – 1325 National Action Plans. (2018).

Moldova National Action Plan

Moldova – 1325 National Action Plans. (2018).

Troop and police contributors. (2023). United Nations Peacekeeping.

Uniformed Personnel Contributing Countries by Ranking Experts on Mission, Formed Police Units, Individual Police, Staff Officer, and Troops As of: 30/11/2023 Line Number Rank Country Male Female Total Report Date. (n.d.). Retrieved January 30, 2024, from

Uniformed Personnel Contributing Countries by Ranking Experts on Mission, Formed Police Units, Individual Police, Staff Officer, and Troops As of: 30/04/2023 Line Number Rank Country Male Female Total Report Date. (n.d.). Retrieved January 30, 2024, from

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