Cameroon’s National Action Plan was adopted in 2017 and covers the period 2018-2020. It is not known whether an update is in progress.
Objectives of the 2018-2020 NAP:
Cameroon committed to the implementation of the following objectives by 2020:
- Realization of the leadership and participation of women in the process of prevention and management of conflict and post-conflict situations to construct peace and social cohesion;
- Scrupulous observation of international humanitarian law and legal instruments for the protection of the rights of women against sexual and gender-based violence during armed conflict;
- Better integration of a gender focus in emergency aid during reconstruction during and after armed conflicts;
- Strengthening of institutional mechanisms and collection of data on gender in peace, security, and conflict prevention and resolution.
These objectives are supported by detailed activities and outputs. The matrix at the end of the NAP sets out a timeframe, budget and partner/s responsible for implementation.
The specific outputs in this NAP recognize the need to include more women in security forces and especially to look at the internal promotion of women into decision-making roles within the security forces. It also tries to support Cameroonian women in leadership positions in regional and international organizations. This plan has clear numerical targets for all of its goals, and calls for the effective collection of data regarding gender in the security sector, making it an effective document with clear monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. It also clarifies budget allocation, another important step in effective implementation.
Civil society involvement in developing the NAP
Civil society was fully engaged in the consultation and drafting process of this NAP. There are clear references to the role that civil society plays in the realization of each goal of the plan, and women’s organizations are treated as equal partners in the implementation of this NAP.
UN Peacekeeping Statistics
At May 2023 the number of women uniformed personnel deployed by Cameroon to UN missions was as follows:

Women’s Role in Peacekeeping
As can be seen from the table above, Cameroon contributed a good number of female police officers, though less military staff officers.
This NAP aims to promote the leadership and participation of women in the process of prevention and management of conflicts and post-conflict situations. It also puts an emphasis on the empowerment of women and girls to prevent SGBVs.
References and sources
National Actional Plan of Cameroon 2018-2020, English translation available at:
Contribution of Uniformed Personnel to UN by Country, Mission, and Personnel Type. (as of 31/05/2023) is available at: