The first Burundian National Action Plan was adopted in 2011 for the period 2012-2016, followed by the second National Action Plan in 2017 for the period 2017-2021. The latest NAP was adopted in 2021 and covers the period 2022-2027. It was published in French; these notes are based on the English translation.
Objectives of the 2022-2027 NAP:
Burundi’s third NAP comprises six strategic pillars, each with one or more objectives:
Pillar 1: Promotion of UN Resolution 1325 and this 2022-2027 NAP:
- Promote ownership of Resolution 1325 and the implementation of NAP 2022-2027.
Pillar 2: Equality and equity in men and women’s participation in decision-making positions and in peace-consolidation mechanisms:
- Contribute to changing mentalities and promoting positive masculinity and femininity;
- Strengthen female leadership at all levels;
- Promote the level of representation of women and girls in the defense and security corps;
- Improve the level of representation of women in peacebuilding mechanisms.
Pillar 3: Strengthening of the legal framework for the prevention of conflicts and violence against women and girls:
- Improve and enforce the legal framework relating to gender equality.
Pillar 4: Protection of rights and care for victims of sexual and gender-based violence:
- Increase access to local and quality care services and ensure free medical certificates.
Pillar 5: Involvement of women and taking into account the needs of women and girls for the development and implementation of economic recovery programmes:
- Reduce the burden of housework for women and girls;
- Support the economic recovery of women and girls and their involvement in the development and implementation of community development programmes and projects.
Pillar 6: Coordination and mobilization of financing for the implementation of NAP 2022-2027:
- Strengthen the coordination and mobilization of funds for the implementation of the 2022-2027 NAP.
Civil society did participate in drafting the NAP, and is given a role in effective monitoring and evaluation of the NAP, which includes some budget specification.
The NAP does an effective job of focusing on promoting women's participation and economic recovery. It includes a well-defined list of objectives, expected results, indicators, and activities that make it Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART). Additionally, it prioritizes the protection of the rights and care of victims of SGBV and the promotion of female leadership at all levels. These areas were previously identified as the most problematic following the evaluation of the results of the second NAP.
Civil Society involvement in developing the NAP
Civil society organizations were involved in the evaluation process of the 2017 NAP and the identification of the areas that should be targeted in the new NAP. (Data was gathered from 25 institutions and organizations, including NGOs).
Civil society organizations are also among the main actors to be involved in the implementation of the current NAP, according to the official text of the latter. The list of the civil society representatives that contributed to the development of the current NAP is appended to the main document.
UN Peacekeeping Statistics
At May 2023 Burundi was contributing the following UN peacekeeping personnel:

Women in Peacekeeping
This NAP aims to promote the active participation of women in the security forces and their inclusion in peacebuilding efforts and decision-making, as well as leadership roles. It also reflects the country’s commitment to countering the SGBVs, and protecting and caring for the victims of such violence.
References and Sources
Burundi 3rd WPS NAP 2022-2027, in French is at: Burundi-NAP-2-2017-2021.pdf (gnwp.org)
and in English at: burkina-faso-nap_2013_-_2016_english.pdf (un.org)
Contribution of Uniformed Personnel to UN by Country, Mission, and Personnel Type. (as of 31/05/2023) is available at 05-Missions Detailed By Country