A Diversity of Skills Found Among Women

September 22, 2021
Some of those advocating for more women in the workplace use the potentially counterproductive argument thatwomen innately bring much needed "soft skills" to the traditionally technical cybersecurity leadership community. This article from SC Media contends that championing the hiring of women because they are supposedly more empathetic or more nurturing — even if arguments can be made for that being true — places them in a very specific box. It also unconsciously provides a pass to male counterparts who fall short in the so-called “soft skills,” or vice versa, fails to give credit to men who excel.
SC Media has named 20 women honorees for 2021 and notes, "We have 20 women who demonstrate through their titles, their background, and their impact a technical expertise that is foundational to their success in cybersecurity."
Read more: Let’s champion women for the diversity they possess within themselves (scmagazine.com)