United States and Romania Host Fifth Capital-Level Meeting of the Women, Peace, and Security Focal Points Network

June 8, 2023
The United States and Romania – the 2023 co-chairs of the Women, Peace, and Security Focal Points Network (WPS-FPN) – hosted the fifth capital-level meeting of the WPS-FPN from June 6 to 8. The theme was advancing the adaptability and evolution of Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) as a framework for implementing policy change.
First launched in 2016, the WPS-FPN is a cross-regional forum coordinated by UN Women intended to share best practices and experiences related to advancing the global WPS agenda.
Specific topics of discussion included how WPS can be applied to diverse policy initiatives, and how partnership with civil society can enhance adaptability, inclusivity and effective implementation of this framework for democratic change.
To read more, see here
To see a detailed programme, see here