Understanding Relevance of Women, Peace & Security in Arms Control & Disarmament

December 9, 2020
The core of landmark Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security is the assertion of women’s right to participate in decisions related to war and peace. Although arms control and disarmament measures can help to implement the WPS Agenda, multilateral processes on WPS have rarely addressed the governance of weapons.
Even for those supportive of bringing gender equality concerns to disarmament fora, the linkages between the Women, Peace, and Security agenda laid out in U.N. Resolution 1325 and arms control were not always clear. To tackle this, UNIDIR’s (United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research) Gender and Disarmament programme initiated a nine-month research project that resulted in Connecting the Dots, a report that outlines the interconnections between arms control and the WPS Agenda and sets out concrete ideas for further dialogue and collaboration among distinct policy communities.
Read more: Lost in Translation? Understanding Relevance of Women, Peace & Security in Arms Control & Disarmament (pressenza.com)