Ensuring Gender Mainstreaming in Small Arms Control - webinar 8 March 2023

March 7, 2023
This year’s International Women’s Day sees the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) and the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) combine to put on a webinar to support the online launch of UNODA’s “Training Manual on Mainstreaming Gender in Small Arms Control.” The manual is intended to guide the integration of gender dimensions into national small arms projects, programmes, and policies.
International Women’s Day is an opportunity to highlight the need to incorporate a gender-responsive approach to policies and programmes aimed at eliminating the illicit trade and misuse of small arms and light weapons.
Speakers at the event include IANSA’s Managing Director, Ivan Contente Marques, and UNODA’s Political Affairs Officer, Laurie Mincieli.
You can register for the event here: Registration form: UNODA and IANSA virtual webinar "Ensuring Gender Mainstreaming in Small Arms Control" (google.com)
The link to the concept note with more information about the webinar is at: IWD2023 Webinar_LM+IM (1).docx - Google Docs
For more information about the Manual please go to: UNODA's Training Manual on Mainstreaming Gender in Small Arms Control (2023) - IANSA